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Please read the message below from our paid sponsor. While the views of this sponsor don't necessarily reflect those of the Babylon Bee, occasional paid messages like these help us continue bringing you the content you love.

Hi friends of the Bee,

The team at Babylon Bee let us borrow today's email to ask a quick favor -

Would you forward this email to anyone you know who is college-aged, or any parent/family member you know with a high school or college-aged son or daughter?

With the way the world's going right now and a lot of the crazy stuff happening on college campuses, there's a better option that most families don't know about. 

And as a fellow friend of The Bee, I knew I could count on you to help us spread the word. 

Our young adults deserve better than what college is offering them. 

Can I count on you to forward this message? 

COO @ Praxis

Many people still think you're better off long-term getting a college degree.

But try telling that to people who get a four-year head start on their lives and careers.

People like Diana Zitting, for instance. 

Diana started her adult life and career immediately after high school through an apprenticeship. Instead of wasting four years in a classroom piling up 6-figures of student debt, she prioritized real-world experience.

Diana is 7 years into her career now. Here's what she had to say last week about how her decision to skip college is going:

7 years later, do you think she's worse off for not having a degree? Of course not.

But Diana's story is not a needle in a haystack.

There are thousands of stories just like hers. Stories of young adults who've deliberately chosen to opt out of a broken system. 

Young adults like Mia Liang. Who went from homeschooled, pre-professional ballerina at age 16 to the youngest member of a thriving marketing agency and self-published author at age 18.

Mia skipped college to pursue an apprenticeship. 

Today, she's got an awesome job as a marketing analyst. She's financially independent. She's published multiple e-books. And she's not even 20.

There are thousands more stories just like Diana's and Mia's.

Of young adults who've decided to prioritize their own personal, professional, and financial independence rather than riding the conveyor belt through life.

That's where our apprenticeship program, Praxis, comes in. 

In under a year, we help young adults explore the full spectrum of business career paths with the goal of helping them discover a great starting point.

Praxis helps them build the skills they need to get hired - and actually land their first professional job.

They make tons of friends, develop a bunch of useful skills, start earning great money, and have a team of professionals + advisors to support them at every step along the way.

Stories like Diana's and Mia's are the norm for graduates of our apprenticeship program. And it could be the norm for most young adults, too, if they opted out of a broken system.

Just imagine a world where most young adults are building fulfilling careers and enriching lives, instead of strapped down with student debt and struggling to make ends meet.

That's the world we're building at Praxis.

...If you'd like to learn more, then follow this link to get our guide on how to skip college successfully.

(OR you can schedule a call with our team here.)

We've boiled down all our best insights and advice about why college no longer makes sense, and what you can do instead.

We also share more stories of other young adults just like Diana and Mia.

Get the email guide here:

Click Here To Learn How To Skip College

I look forward to sharing more stories with you soon.


Mitchell Earl
Chief Operating Officer

Praxis is a year-long apprenticeship program that matches driven young adults with full-time, paid jobs at growing businesses. The program offers a direct route into high-potential careers without the cost and hassle of college.
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