This is getting dangerous

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Dear Babylon Bee Subscriber,

She was shouted down. Had insults and obscenities hurled at her. There was physical intimidation in the classroom.

It was bullying and a mob mentality at work in a law school classroom.

Yet, my friend and colleague Kristen Waggoner stood strong in the face of a student mob at Yale Law School. As General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, she was a member of a panel of speakers invited to discuss how attorneys across the ideological spectrum can come together and support free speech.

Future lawyers, judges, legislators, and corporate executives filled the room. But they chose to bang on walls and call Kristen and others names instead of listening to a different point of view.

This wasn't just a protest. It was students at the nation's top-ranked law school using bullying tactics to shut down an event-ironically-on the importance of free speech. Kristen and the other panelist had to be escorted to safety by police.

And this incident begs the question: What will happen to our cherished freedoms if students like these become our leaders? The students' refusal to even tolerate Kristen's presence doesn't bode well for the future.

That's why I'm asking you to help train and equip the next generation of Christian lawyers through Alliance Defending Freedom's Blackstone Legal Fellowship.

Blackstone brings together the best Christian law students from around the U.S., trains them in legal theory and practice, equips them with the professional skills and networks to thrive in the legal profession, and inspires them to reimagine their careers as a way of serving God.

The unrivaled training program gives the students the education and tools they need to defend your constitutional freedoms-whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions.

And right now, thanks to a limited-time $250,000 matching grant provided by a generous donor, your gift will be doubled, dollar for dollar.

Unfortunately, in our current culture, we are no longer shocked when Kristen and others representing true freedom for everyone are heckled and threatened. But, as she said, "It was alarming to witness law students whipped into a frenzy, preferring to chant, pound the walls, and intimidate others rather than engage in civil dialogue."

What happened at Yale-and what has happened to other Christian and conservative speakers across the country-is disturbing.

This event shows that legal protections for free and unfettered speech are little comfort if we don't value free speech ... if we heckle, shout down, and punish anyone who has ideas we don't like.

Kristen's courage and calm in the face of the mob is exactly what our country needs more of. She's already gone on record saying that she'd be happy to return.

What happened to Kristen is a microcosm of what many Christian law students who attend Blackstone deal with every day.

These Christian students go to law school expecting debate on serious issues. But what they get is intimidation and silencing instead. In fact, many Christian law students feel like they are a lone voice for Christian principles in their law school.

This is why the Blackstone Legal Fellowship is so important. And that's why I'm asking you to give $50, $65, $100, $250, or the best gift you can today to help fund the next Blackstone class.

The students who attend Blackstone are of exemplary character and courage. They're exactly who our country needs in leadership positions.

And remember-your gift will be doubled while matching funds last!

This is an urgent moment. The screaming, wall-pounding, foot-pounding student mob at Yale represents the future of the legal profession-if we do nothing about it. That's exactly why we need to vigorously protect freedom of speech and raise up future, principled leaders through Blackstone who will do the same.

We must restore a culture of freedom and civil discourse at Yale and other law schools, or the future of the legal profession will remain in dire straits. Free speech and freedom of thought are the cornerstones of all free societies. Our other freedoms go as they do.

Please take this opportunity to make a gift to help train and equip our future leaders through Blackstone.

What kind of America the next generation inherits depends on the small, courageous choices of people like you.

For freedom,

Michael Farris
Michael Farris Signature

Michael Farris

President & CEO

Alliance Defending Freedom

P.S. What happened at Yale has only deepened Alliance Defending Freedom's commitment to civility, kindness, and principle-and the raising up of the next generation of leaders. Make your gift today to help train and equip Christian law students through the Blackstone Legal Fellowship. You can give quickly and securely, and have your gift DOUBLED, at:

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