Border Betrayal–How the US and UN are Financing the Border Crisis

Groups and families illegally cross into the United States and immediately turn themselves over to American agents. But why are they doing this?

Dear Reader,

Groups and families illegally cross into the United States every few minutes and immediately turn themselves over to the waiting hands of National Guards and Border Patrol agents. But why are they doing this?

Our investigative reporters went to the southern border to investigate the border crisis for many months and found that it is not organic. We uncovered that behind the estimated 5 million illegal immigrants who entered the United States since Joe Biden took office are criminal cartels, orchestrations by the United Nations, and financing from the U.S. government.

We put the results of our investigations into a new special report: The Border Crisis and America's Fate. Find out about the reality of the border crisis and how it's affecting the entire nation.

Last Call: If you care about our country, order now, become fully informed, and share with friends and family. Get this report delivered to your home for FREE with a 2-month subscription to The Epoch Times when you pay just $1. Today is the last day to get this report, don't miss out!

In Truth and Tradition,

The Epoch Times staff


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