Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Felt was one of my favorite new tools in 2022. In fact, I liked it so much that I included it in my Best of the Web for 2022. Felt is a free multimedia mapping tool that I think is easier for first-time users to use than Google's My Maps or ESRI's ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. How to Create Map Overlays
  2. Two Ways to Create Short Audio Recordings to Share via QR Code
  3. More Recent Articles

How to Create Map Overlays

Felt was one of my favorite new tools in 2022. In fact, I liked it so much that I included it in my Best of the Web for 2022. Felt is a free multimedia mapping tool that I think is easier for first-time users to use than Google's My Maps or ESRI's mapping tools. Right at the end of the year Felt added some new features including new base maps and an updated image overlay feature which I demonstrate in this short video

The image overlay feature on Felt can be used to overlay historic maps on current maps. You can adjust the transparency of the overlay to easily compare past and present views of roads, buildings, and landmarks. The updated version of Felt lets you use image files as well as PDFs as overlays. Watch the video that is embedded below to see how it works. 

Video - How to Create Map Overlays on


Learn more about Felt in the following blog posts and videos:


Two Ways to Create Short Audio Recordings to Share via QR Code

A couple of weeks ago a loyal reader reached to me for my thoughts about sharing audio recordings via QR codes. His idea was to place QR codes on objects within his classroom and school so that students could scan them to hear his audio recordings. There were two tools that I recommended to him. The first was Mote and the second was Vocaroo

Both Mote and Vocaroo will let you create short audio recordings and will automatically generate QR codes for you to download and share. Mote also includes the option to view a history of the use of your QR codes so that you can see how many times your students have played your audio recording. 

In this short video I demonstrate how to create short audio recordings to share via QR code. 


Applications for Education
Creating QR codes to share audio recordings is a good way to include additional information about an object when you don't have enough space to write all the text that you need. For example, if you were to have students create a little classroom museum of artifacts, you may not have enough space to print everything that they would want to write about those artifacts. A QR code that links to an audio recording can be the solution to that problem.

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