Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Earlier this week Padlet launched a new feature that lets you quickly turn the multimedia notes on a Padlet wall into a slideshow. If you haven't tried it yet, watch my new video to see how easy it is to use the new slideshow feature in Padlet. The ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. How to Quickly Turn Padlet Notes Into a Slideshow
  2. 25 YouTube Tips for Teachers
  3. More Recent Articles

How to Quickly Turn Padlet Notes Into a Slideshow

Earlier this week Padlet launched a new feature that lets you quickly turn the multimedia notes on a Padlet wall into a slideshow. If you haven't tried it yet, watch my new video to see how easy it is to use the new slideshow feature in Padlet. The video also shows you how to enable beta features in your Padlet account so that you can be the first to try any new features that Padlet develops. 

Video - Quickly Turn Your Padlet Walls Into Slideshows


You can find two dozen Padlet tutorial videos in this playlist on my YouTube channel.

Applications for Education
As I wrote a few days ago, the new Padlet slideshow option could be very handy when you're trying to review with your whole class the contributions that they've made to a Padlet wall. I can see this being particularly useful when going through a set of KWL responses as it allows you and your class to focus on one item at a time without the distraction of other notes appearing in the background.

25 YouTube Tips for Teachers

A couple of weeks ago I shared directions on how to start a YouTube channel. Yesterday, I published directions on how to add end screens to your videos. Those are just two of twenty-five YouTube tutorial videos that I've published over the last few years. All of my YouTube tips for teachers are now arranged in one convenient playlist. You can find the whole playlist of 25 YouTube tips for teachers right here on my YouTube channel. Some highlights from the playlist are embedded below. 

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