Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Good morning from Maine where the wind is howling and the wind chill makes it feel as though it's -15F right now. It's no wonder our cat has camped himself in front of the stove this morning. I much prefer he do that than rub his head on my laptop as I ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. AI, Brainstorming, and Authentication - The Week in Review
  2. "Why Does He Do So Much Sniffing?" - Another Question from My Daughters
  3. More Recent Articles

AI, Brainstorming, and Authentication - The Week in Review

Good morning from Maine where the wind is howling and the wind chill makes it feel as though it's -15F right now. It's no wonder our cat has camped himself in front of the stove this morning. I much prefer he do that than rub his head on my laptop as I type this week's week-in-review post. 

This week was school vacation week here in Maine. I took most of the week off to teach skiing lessons, take my own kids skiing, and enjoy a little time away from my computer screen. Somehow I still managed to publish a bunch of new posts throughout the week. Take a look at the list below and see if there is anything that piques your interest. 

These were the week's most popular posts:
1. Free Course on ChatGPT and AI in Education
2. Three Good Tools for Recording Brainstorming Sessions
3. 10 Tools for Gathering Real-time Feedback From Students
4. Warm-up Activities for Group Brainstorming Sessions
5. How to Blur Objects and Faces In Your Videos
6. How to Use the Google Authenticator App With Twitter
7. How to Make a Mini Course

Make More Money This Year!
If you're looking for a way to put a little more money in your pocket this year, my self-paced course How to Create and Sell Digital Products in 2023 is for you! It's one of three on-demand courses that I currently offer.

Workshops and eBooks
If you'd like to have me speak at your school or conference, please send me an email at richardbyrne (at) or fill out the form on this page. Book me for this school year and I'll include copies of my eBook for all of the teachers in your school. 

50 Tech Tuesday Tips!
50 Tech Tuesday Tips is an eBook that I created with busy tech coaches, tech integration specialists, and media specialists in mind. In it you'll find 50 ideas and tutorials that you can use as the basis of your own short PD sessions. Get a copy today!

Other Places to Follow Me:
  • The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter comes out every Sunday evening/ Monday morning. It features my favorite tip of the week and the week's most popular posts from Free Technology for Teachers.
  • My YouTube channel has nearly 45,000 subscribers watching my short tutorial videos on a wide array of educational technology tools. 
  • I've been Tweeting as @rmbyrne for fifteen years. 
  • I update my LinkedIn profile a time or two every week.
  • The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page features new and old posts from this blog throughout the week. 
  • If you're curious about my life outside of education, you can follow me on Strava.
This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Featured image captured by Richard Byrne.

"Why Does He Do So Much Sniffing?" - Another Question from My Daughters

If you read this blog regularly, you've probably picked up that I love dogs. So of course I was excited years ago when  TED-Ed published a lesson about how dogs "see" with their noses. And I enjoyed it again this week after my youngest daughter asked me why our dog does so much sniffing.

How Do Dogs "See" With Their Noses? provides a great explanation of how dogs noses work. The most interesting part of the video is the explanation of how dogs' senses of smell allow them to identify friends, foes, and potential threats. The video is embedded below. You can find the full lesson here.



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