Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Padlet has been one of my go-to tools for more than a decade. That staying power is due in large part to the flexibility of the tool and that the team and Padlet continues to add more and more helpful features for teachers. The latest feature added to ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. New Padlet Feature! Present Padlet Walls as Slideshows
  2. How to Set Expiration Dates for Google Docs
  3. More Recent Articles

New Padlet Feature! Present Padlet Walls as Slideshows

Padlet has been one of my go-to tools for more than a decade. That staying power is due in large part to the flexibility of the tool and that the team and Padlet continues to add more and more helpful features for teachers. The latest feature added to Padlet is an option to present all of the notes on a Padlet wall as a slideshow. 

Now when you want to display the notes that your students have added to a Padlet wall you can simply click on the slideshow button on the righthand side of the screen to display each note in order in full screen. Take a look at my screenshot below to see where to find the Padlet slideshow button.

This feature is currently available to anyone who has opted-into the beta channel for Padlet and will be available to all users later today. 

Applications for Education
The new Padlet slideshow option could be very handy when you're trying to review with your whole class the contributions that they've made to a Padlet wall. I can see this being particularly useful when going through a set of KWL responses as it allows you and your class to focus on one item at a time without the distraction of other notes appearing in the background.

How to Set Expiration Dates for Google Docs

Setting access expiration dates is one of the many "hidden" or frequently overlooked features of Google Documents. This is a feature you can use when you want to share a Google Document with a person or group of people for a limited time. By setting an expiration date you can grant access for as little as an hour or as much as a year. In the short video that is embedded below I demonstrate how to set expiration dates for Google Docs. 

Video - How to Set Access Expiration Dates for Shared Google Docs


Much like you can set expiration dates for individual Google Documents, you can share your Google Drive folders and individual files for set durations of time. Watch How to Set Expiration Dates for Google Drive Folders & Files to learn how to place time limits on your sharing settings.


Applications for Education
Setting expiration dates for shared documents is helpful when you want to encourage your students to review a document before a specific time. It's also helpful when you want to publish something like a syllabus, but you don't want to have it published and live on the web indefinitely.

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