Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

In this week's Practical Ed Tech newsletter I included a video overview of a tool called AI Writing Check that detects whether or not an article has been written with the use of a tool like ChatGPT. Two days after publishing my newsletter, the makers of ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. The Makers of ChatGPT Have Launched a Tool to Detect Text Written With AI
  2. Three Things You Should Know How to Do With TinyURL
  3. Get Ready for Groundhog Day With These Short Lessons
  4. More Recent Articles

The Makers of ChatGPT Have Launched a Tool to Detect Text Written With AI

In this week's Practical Ed Tech newsletter I included a video overview of a tool called AI Writing Check that detects whether or not an article has been written with the use of a tool like ChatGPT. Two days after publishing my newsletter, the makers of ChatGPT announced the launch of their own tool designed to detect whether or not an article has been written by ChatGPT. 

AI Text Classifier is a new tool from Open AI, the makers of ChatGPT, that will detect whether or not a passage of text has been written with ChatGPT and similar AI writing tools. To use AI Text Classifier you do need to have registered for a free account on Open AI. Once you have an account you can use AI Text Classifier. To use AI Text Classifier you simply have to paste a block of writing (at least 1,000 characters, roughly 175 words) into the text field and click the submit button. AI Text Classifier will then rank the writing as very unlikely, unlikely, unclear if it is, possibly, or likely written by AI. For the record, AI Text Classifier classified my article about detecting writing created by AI as very unlikely to have been written by AI. 

Applications for Education
If you're concerned that your students have submitted work created by AI, AI Text Classifier could be the tool you need to check it. But before you get to that point, show your students how tools like AI Text Classifier work and have discussions about responsible use of AI tools.

Three Things You Should Know How to Do With TinyURL

I'm not 100% certain of this, but I'd make a substantial wager that TinyURL was the first URL shortener I ever used. I know I was using it before I started this blog and that's going on 16 years this year. The point being that TinyURL has been around a long time. It's that longevity that contributes to it often being the first tool people think of when they need to shorten URLs. 

Like all web tools that have been around for a long time, there are features of TinyURL that people overlook or simply forget about. Two of those features are the ability to create custom URLs that people can actually spell and the ability to generate QR codes for your URLs. Both of those things are demonstrated in the short video that is embedded below. 

Video - How to Use TinyURL


Whether you use TinyURL to shorten links or you're just clicking a TinyURL link, you should know how to preview where it's directing you to without actually clicking on the link. Here's a video overview of how to see what's behind a TinyURL without actually clicking on the link.


Get Ready for Groundhog Day With These Short Lessons

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day! Those of you who teach pre-K or early elementary grades you may have some students who are as excited about it as my pre-K and Kindergarten daughters are. If that's the case, you may be interested in watching the following videos that provide brief explanations of the origins of Groundhog Day.

Homeschool Pop offers a good explanation of Groundhog Day for kids. The video explains the origins of the tradition, where it's celebrated, and a couple of fun facts about groundhogs.


Turn to SciShow Kids for more fun facts about groundhogs. The video teaches where groundhogs live, what they eat, and how they adapt to get through cold winters.


This video from Storm Shield explains a bit of meteorology that goes into whether or not the groundhog will see his or her shadow.


This video from CGP Grey deals mostly with the origin of the tradition. Like most CGP Grey videos there is a fair amount of snark included in the video so review it carefully before deciding if it's appropriate for your students.


While not exactly about Groundhog Day, Why Do Some Animals Hibernate? is a good lesson to accompany discussion about Groundhog Day. 


Finally, Larry Ferlazzo has a growing list of many more resources for teaching and learning about Groundhog Day. Larry's list is where I found this short math lesson about Groundhog Day.

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