Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

For the last five or so years I've been using and recommending Anchor for creating podcasts on your desktop and mobile devices. In fact, at the start of this year I released a new tutorial on how to use it to create a podcast on your Android phone. ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. Anchor is Now Spotify for Podcasters
  2. A Great PD Opportunity for Civics Teachers in the U.S.
  3. Two Options Explained
  4. More Recent Articles

Anchor is Now Spotify for Podcasters

For the last five or so years I've been using and recommending Anchor for creating podcasts on your desktop and mobile devices. In fact, at the start of this year I released a new tutorial on how to use it to create a podcast on your Android phone. Today, Anchor was renamed Spotify for Podcasters

The new name is a reflection of the fact that Anchor has been owned by Spotify for the last few years. Other than the name, it doesn't appear that anything has changed in the mobile app or web app. I was able to log into Spotify for Podcasters using the same credentials that I've used for years to log into Anchor. 

Next week I'll publish some updated tutorials on how to use Spotify for Podcasters to create a podcast. 


A Great PD Opportunity for Civics Teachers in the U.S.

Summer might feel like it is a long way right now. But now is the time to start thinking about and planning for professional development you might do this summer. To that end, the National Archives is now accepting applications for the 2023 Civics for All U.S. Teacher Institute

The 2023 Civics for All U.S. Teacher Institute is a week-long event held in Washington D.C. the week of July 17th. The big goal of the event is for participants to develop teaching activities that explore big civics ideas while utilizing primary sources from the National Archives. 

Applications for the institute are open now and close on March 31st. To be eligible you have to be a teacher work with students in third grade or higher. Those who are accepted to participate receive a $2450 stipend to use toward travel and other associated costs of attending. 

If I was still teaching social studies, I would be applying for this institute. 


Two Options Explained

A few weeks ago I published a short video that I produced as an introductory explanation of stock options. Dabbling in options trading is a hobby of mine as is producing various types of explanatory videos. Earlier this week I made a follow-up to my video introduction to stock options. This new video explains the two type of stock options that traders buy and sell. Those are call options and put options. 

In the short video that is embedded below I provide a short explanation of what call and put options are and why someone would buy one of them. In a future video I'll explain more about options contracts and the all-important strike price. 

Video - A Short Explanation of Call and Put Options


Video - A Short Explanation of Stock Options


Learn how to make videos like these and many others in your classroom in my new Practical Ed Tech course Five Video Projects for Almost Every Classroom.

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