Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Earlier this week I listed the educational technology topics that I'm still passionate about after all these years. One of those topics is search strategies and discovery tools for students. To that end, I've recently updated my e-book on Teaching ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. New eBook - Teaching Search Strategies to History Students
  2. How to Create a Podcast With Spotify for Podcasters
  3. More Recent Articles

New eBook - Teaching Search Strategies to History Students

Earlier this week I listed the educational technology topics that I'm still passionate about after all these years. One of those topics is search strategies and discovery tools for students. To that end, I've recently updated my e-book on Teaching Search Strategies to History Students.

In my updated e-book Teaching Search Strategies to History Students I outline activities that you can use in middle school and high school classrooms (grades 5-12). When you purchase a copy of the e-book you can use the activities exactly as written (you have permission to use the images I've included) or modify them to meet your students' needs.

I wrote Teaching Search Strategies to History Students to help you help your students go beyond the first page of search results. To that end, I provide guidance on using search tools and databases that students often overlook. These include tools like Google Scholar's patent and court search, Get The Research, and myriad of online archives and databases.

Teaching Search Strategies to History Students was written for middle school and high school social studies teachers who have heard students say, "I can't find anything on this."

Buy your copy by May 1st and you'll be able to join me for a live webinar on May 2nd in which I'll dive into strategies in the e-book and answer your questions.

How to Create a Podcast With Spotify for Podcasters

Even though it was acquired by Spotify a few years ago, remained it's own platform until March of this year. Back in March Anchor was renamed Spotify for Podcasters

Spotify for Podcasters makes it incredibly easy to record, edit, and publish a podcast. You can do all of your recording and editing within the Spotify for Podcasters website. A library of music clips and sounds is provided for you to use as bumper music.

The best part is that Spotify for Podcasters takes care of all of the steps needed to publish your podcast to all of the major podcast networks include Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

Watch my video below for a demonstration of how to use Spotify for Podcasters to create a podcast.


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