Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

One of the most popular webinars and courses that I've hosted over the years have been about search strategies and how to teach them to students. This summer I'm offering a new Practical Ed Tech course on that topic. The course starts in two days! 25 ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. 25 Search Strategies You Need to Know - New Course Starting Soon
  2. Five of My Favorite Take-aways from #ISTELive
  3. The Coolest Canva Use I've Seen
  4. More Recent Articles

25 Search Strategies You Need to Know - New Course Starting Soon

One of the most popular webinars and courses that I've hosted over the years have been about search strategies and how to teach them to students. This summer I'm offering a new Practical Ed Tech course on that topic. The course starts in two days!

25 Search Strategies You Need to Know is a five-part course in which I'll teach you my favorite search strategies. More importantly, I'll teach you how I teach these strategies to students in grades three through twelve. The course includes written lessons, video tutorials, and handouts that you can use with your students. 

Highlights of the course include:

  • How to responsibly use AI search tools like ChatGPT and Bard. 
  • Search guides for your students.
  • Introducing students to alternatives to Google search.
  • Organizing search findings. 
  • Search refinement strategies for all students.
Course Format
25 Search Strategies You Need to Know will be delivered to your inbox as a series of five weekly lessons. The first lesson will be delivered on July 1st at 6am ET. 

Five of My Favorite Take-aways from #ISTELive

ISTE Live in Philadelphia was a whirlwind 72 hours. I've been home for about 18 hours now and have had some time to reflect a little bit on the trip. I'll share more in-depth take-aways later. For now I wanted to summarize and share a handful of the highlights of trip. To do so I made a short highlight video that is embedded below. 

As my trip was sponsored by Canva, that's what I used to create the video that you see below. 

Video - My Five Favorite Take-aways from #ISTELive


The Coolest Canva Use I've Seen

Yesterday morning at ISTE Live I met Lauren Enders. Lauren is a well-known presenter in the field of AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). We chatted for a good twenty minutes or more about many things including how she's using Canva as an AAC tool. In fact, she gave me permission to share the recording of her recent presentation on that topic. You can find Lauren's presentation and her accompanying resources here on the AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference website. The video of her presentation is embedded below. 


The thing that impressed me the most about Lauren's presentation was not the graphics, although they are fantastic, what impressed the most was the application of Canva as an AAC tool. That's something that I haven't seen anyone else do or advocate for doing.

Disclosure: Canva sponsored my trip to ISTE Live.

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