Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

In a world in which there is no shortage of digital distractions it can be hard to get into the flow of working a project, studying, or simply sitting and thinking for a while. That's why I like what Engageable is trying to do, why I appreciate the work ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. How to Get in the Flow
  2. A New Google Classroom Control Over Assignment Submissions
  3. More Recent Articles

How to Get in the Flow

In a world in which there is no shortage of digital distractions it can be hard to get into the flow of working a project, studying, or simply sitting and thinking for a while. That's why I like what Engageable is trying to do, why I appreciate the work of Cal Newport, and why I was happy to see a new TED-Ed video about entering a state of flow. 

TED-Ed's new lesson, How to Enter Flow State, explains why it can be difficult to enter a flow state, why sometimes it's easier than others to enter a flow state, and the mental effects of getting into a flow state. Interestingly, the video is actually fairly light on tips for how to to actually enter a flow state of mind. It provides the same tips that you've probably heard before. Those are things like setting small, achievable goals for a work session and work in a quiet, distraction-free environment. 

The video from the lesson is embedded below. 


Applications for Education
Last fall TED-Ed published a lesson that explains why people procrastinate even when it feels bad. I would show students the lesson about procrastination before showing them the one about how to get into a workflow. With the knowledge of why they procrastinate, students might be more interested in learning how to get into a workflow to get things done.


A New Google Classroom Control Over Assignment Submissions

When you return to school this fall Google Classroom will have some new features for you to try. One of those new features that was recently announced is more control over assignment submissions. And unlike some of the features announced earlier this summer, this update is one that will be available to all teachers regardless of which version of Google Workspaces their schools use. 

Latest feature added to Google Classroom is the ability to completely prevent assignment submissions after a set due date. Previously, students could submit an assignment after a due date and the assignment would simply be marked as late. Now, if you enable the setting, students won't be able to make a submission at all after a due date has passed. 

Applications for Education
I can see this feature being welcomed by some teachers and schools who have strict assignment deadlines. I can also see it being a hassle if you decide later in the semester to make an exception and allow students to submit late assignments. Either way, you'll soon be able to test the strict deadline feature for yourself.

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