Saudi-Israel Agreement: Precursor To The Antichrist's Covenant With Many? 💢        

Breaking News Updates - August 28, 2023
Peace Accord
Saudi-Israel Agreement: Precursor To The Antichrist's Covenant With Many?
One of the key events of the End Times is a coming peace treaty between Israel and her neighbors which the coming antichrist will broker. Recent events strikingly foreshadow this coming peace compact.
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Church Attendees Believe... What?!
The Family Research Council conducted a national survey of approximately 1,000 adults who attend church at least once a month, asking them questions on a range of social issues. This data holds much insight into the modern American church and it is pretty shocking.
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El Niño Threat Puts US Solar Power Output At Risk This Winter
The Biden administration's rapid push to decarbonize power grids with solar and wind while squeezing fossil fuel plants into early retirement could spark grid stability risks this winter.
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YouTube Censors Detransitioners While 'Glamorizing' Pro-Trans Content
While YouTube videos glamorizing and promoting cross-sex hormones and double-mastectomies remain up with hundreds of thousands of views and zero restrictions, they slap warnings, limit viewing, or flat-out remove videos that warn people about the real consequences and harms of socially and medically transitioning.
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