Will Consumers Last Until Christmas? Credit Card Debt Crisis Out Of Control 💰        

Breaking News Updates - August 31, 2023
Will Consumers Last Until Christmas? Credit Card Debt Crisis Out Of Control
Americans are becoming increasingly dependent on their credit cards to make ends meet from month to month, the percentage of us that are carrying balances from month to month is growing, and the average rate of interest on such balances has risen above 20 percent.
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The Feast Of Trumpets Is Coming – Can You Hear The Footsteps Of The Messiah?
The Biblical feast days are extremely rich and meaningful and will make your faith come alive if you take the time to study the Hebrew calendar and these Feasts of the Lord. They weren't just for yesterday. They are for today and tomorrow. They're not just Jewish traditions. They are God's appointed times for all His children.
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Israeli Farmer Revives the Biblical Balm Of Gilead And Third Temple Incense
One very special farmer in the Holy Land is raising rare and endangered plants in an effort to bring back the Biblical Balm of Gilead and the Temple incense.
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EU's Draconian Censorship Laws Will Enforce Leftist Ideology Online
That which the EU considers "hate speech" and "disinformation" is based in far-left ideology and zealotry, not on clearly defined and reasonable guidelines.
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