Escalating Warfare Could Send Global Food Prices Into Overdrive 🌎        

Breaking News Updates - November 01, 2023
Food Prices
Escalating Warfare Could Send Global Food Prices Into Overdrive
The only way that we can continue to have cheap food is if we have cheap energy. Ultimately, our entire way of life is predicated on a cheap energy paradigm. If you take cheap energy away, everything changes. That is why this war in the Middle East could represent such a critical economic tipping point.
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Tunnel Wars - How The Israel/Gaza Conflict Will Be Fought Underground
Hamas's network of tunnels and bunkers, estimated to be many hundreds of kilometers long and embedded in civilian areas, has emerged as a defining feature of the Islamists' ability to move terrorists and weapons under the Gaza Strip, to launch strikes and stay out of the Israel Air Force's bombsights.
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Airport Shock: Enraged Muslim Mob Storm Airport Hunting For Jews
Appalling videos emerging from Russia show a large mob storming the Dagestan airport Sunday, as Muslim men chant "Allah Akbar" while hunting for Jews believed to be on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel.
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New Speaker Mike Johnson Attacked For Believing Basic Christian Doctrine
Although progressives routinely castigate those who hold convictions rooted in a biblical worldview, the sharp criticism directed toward the new speaker for his Christian faith is nonetheless revealing.
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Heart Surgeon Begs Americans: "Don't Put This in Your Coffee"
What's the healthiest creamer for coffee?

The Future War Prophecies - Book & DVD

The Future War Prophecies book and DVD locates the battlefields, identifies the participants, explains the motives, provides the details and explores the outcomes of these coming world changing conflicts that are detailed in the Bible.

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