Is Worldwide Jew Hatred Setting The Stage For The Tribulation Period? 🌎        

Breaking News Updates - November 10, 2023
Is Worldwide Jew Hatred Setting The Stage For The Tribulation Period?
Embracing Jew-hatred is not only an indicator of cultural decline but also of God's impending judgement. The evidence of this is found not only in the Bible but also the history books. Egypt, Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Germany and the Soviet Union.
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The US Economy Is One Bank Run Away From Disaster
Moody's estimated last month that US financial institutions had racked up $650 billion worth of paper losses on their portfolios by September 30 -- up 15% from June 30. The ratings agency's data still doesn't account for a terrible October where the longer-term collapse in bond prices spiraled into one of the worst routs in market history.
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Most Americans Have No Idea We Have Spent $4.1 Billion Promoting LGBT Causes
Despite an ongoing war in the Middle East, open borders flooding in millions of illegal immigrants, a worsening drug crisis, and increased risk of terrorist attacks in the U.S., President Joe Biden apparently has other priorities.
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How Your Tax Dollars Are Helping Fund Hamas Evil Curriculum In Gaza
The U.S. doesn't fund Taliban curriculum. It doesn't fund Islamic State curriculum. But through its voluntary donations to UNRWA, it is funding Hamas curriculum which was evidenced by UNRWA employees and education activists who cheered and encouraged the October 7 terror attack.
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The Truth About Israel Prophecy Conference - In Person Or Live Stream

Rock Harbor Church, Bakersfield - November 18

Join us as we biblically address the truth about Israel's past, present, and future and set the record straight. This conference will enable you to understand the truth about the "Palestinians," Jewish blood libels, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, the BDS movement, the campus intifada against Israel, the truth about Zionism, the prophetic future of Israel, and the truth about the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiach.

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