The Inevitable Takeover: Digital Identity And Total Control Is Coming πŸŒŽ        

Breaking News Updates - November 14, 2023
The Inevitable Takeover: Digital Identity And Total Control Is Coming
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of "European Digital Identity Wallets," the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans. But that is just the start of what is coming.
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Blood money
Biden Giving Your Tax Money To US Mosques That Seek Total Annihilation Of Jews
A federal program intended to help religious organizations defend against terror attacks has been used by the Biden administration to give hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax dollars to organizations that openly seek the annihilation of Jews.
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Teachers Unions Across U.S. Keep Getting Caught Up In Pro-Hamas Activism
Major teachers unions in the U.S. are affiliated with anti-Israel organizations, while teachers unions or their employees have explicitly justified Hamas' violence. BLM at School has posted an anti-Israel pro-Palestinian resource kit for teachers.
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Biden's Early Support For Israel Is Turning Into Something More Ominous
America's passivity towards the attacks on it's troops in the region is going hand-in-hand with a notable cooling of its original support for Israel. There's been an ominous change in the rhetoric as it tries to bring Iran onside and push for a PA State.
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The Truth About Israel Prophecy Conference - In Person Or Live Stream

Rock Harbor Church, Bakersfield - November 18

Join us as we biblically address the truth about Israel's past, present, and future and set the record straight. This conference will enable you to understand the truth about the "Palestinians," Jewish blood libels, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, the BDS movement, the campus intifada against Israel, the truth about Zionism, the prophetic future of Israel, and the truth about the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiach.

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