Word of the Day: Dada

Can you pronounce dada?
Word Daily
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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noun 1. An early 20th-century international movement in art, literature, music, and film, repudiating and mocking artistic and social conventions and emphasizing the illogical and absurd.
Play Button "I didn't appreciate Dada art until I visited the Marcel Duchamp exhibition."
Play Button "The Italian film festival had many Dada-inspired entries."
Play Button "This form of absurd art got its start in France in the 1920s, but dada still influences artists today."
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French, early 20th century
Why This Word?
As an artistic movement, Dada (or Dadaism) took off in early 1920s Paris. This appreciation of nonsense, chaos, and the absurd is thought to be a rebound against the effects of World War I and a capitalist society. ...
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