Kidney stones now affect 1 in 10 adults in the United States, with cases doubling in the past 50 years. Discover the factors—like diet and genetics—that could be raising your risk.
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Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. | – Henry Ford – | | | Healthy Living | | | | | Workout of the Day | | | | Front Fold | This standing exercise focuses on your back muscles—particularly in your lower back. It's easy and safe and can be adjusted to your fitness level.
Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step 2: Keep your back straight, then bend at the hips and reach down as far as you can toward the floor. Touch the floor if you can; otherwise, try a modified version using a box or step. Take approximately two seconds to move into position. Bending your knees slightly is acceptable but too much can sacrifice the benefits to your back muscles. Step 3: Return to the starting position. Be sure to keep your back straight the entire time, and take two seconds to stand. This counts as one repetition. Step 4: Try to do three sets of 12 repetitions, making modifications as needed.
To upgrade this activity, you can hold weights in each hand or hold a single weight with both hands to increase resistance. | Explore More Fitness | | | Worth a Look | | | Contributed by Gan Jing World | Exercise Your Brain | | | | | |
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