Oeuvre: The Perfect Word for a Creative Collection

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Word Daily
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
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noun 1. The works of a painter, composer, or author regarded collectively.
2. A work of art, music, or literature.
Play Button "The prized volume on her bookshelf was a collected volume of Tennyson's oeuvre."
Play Button "You can tell this is an early oeuvre from the artist, because it's a watercolor."
Play Button "The composer's most famous oeuvre will be performed by the symphony."
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French, late 19th century
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Why This Word?
"Oeuvre" is French for a particular piece of art, music, or writing, but the French borrowed the term from the Latin for "opera." The English usage of the word can be a single piece of art, or it can be the complete body of work from an artist, taken as a whole. ...
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