🦒 Tower of Giraffes? These Animal Group Names Are Actually Real

If you've ever researched the strange terminology for animal groups (known as terms of venery), you know there's a lot more than just herds and packs.
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Geese flying in the air
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Gaggles, Flamboyances, Murders, and More Names for Groups of Animals

If you've ever researched the strange terminology for animal groups (known as terms of venery), you know there's a lot more than just herds and packs. Where did these oddball collective nouns come from? We've discovered the origin stories for some of the most interesting animal group names out there. Who knows? One of them might become your next fun fact at a cocktail party.

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Person running on top a hill
Grammar Star divider 2 MIN READ Star divider
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What Is a Flat Adverb?

Adverbs are a part of speech used to add description and context to your verb choices. You can usually spot them with an "-ly" suffix, but flat adverbs are an exception. Here's why they're commonly confused with adjectives.

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Close-up of the face of a giraffe
Idioms Star divider 4 MIN READ Star divider
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Can You Decipher These Idioms From Foreign Languages?

Idioms add flavor to our everyday conversations in unexpected ways. Discover how cultures around the world infuse their languages with humor through idioms.

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Writing Hello word Nihao in Chinese characters
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What's the Most Difficult Language To Learn?

Renowned for its complexity, Mandarin Chinese challenges English speakers more than any other foreign language.

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Two sandwiches on plates
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Order Up! The Origins of Sandwich Slang

The nicknames for sandwiches are almost as numerous as the toppings they can be served with. Learn some of America's favorite regional sandwich slang.

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