ECON Undergraduates Blog

ECON Undergraduates Blog

Submissions: Stanford Undergrad Economics Journal

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:20 AM PDT

Comparative Advantage: Stanford Undergraduate Economics Journal
General Information
Comparative Advantage is the annual undergraduate economics journal of Stanford University. We are looking for research papers, opinion articles, etc., on all fields related to economics – including public policy, finance, economic sociology, business, and any other relevant subjects. Our goal is to allow undergraduates at Stanford and universities across the country to have the opportunity to publish their research in a premier college journal.

Submission Requirements
Paper submissions must:

● Be from undergraduate students.
● Use APA citation and include an abstract. If applicable, all citations should be sourced and a bibliography should be included.
● Use size 12 Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing.
● Be submitted as a Word document (and include .tex file if LaTeX was used).
● The content of the paper (not including the bibliography and extra data tables) must be less than 25 pages.
● Include the author's name and university, acknowledgements (if relevant), and image files of all graphics or tables used in the paper. All image files should be included in the paper, as well as submitted as separate .jpg files; any spreadsheets used should also have relevant data linked.
● Not have already been published in other journals. By submitting, you give Comparative Advantage the right to publish the paper and make stylistic edits.

*We will not review your paper if requirements are not met. You will be contacted to re-submit under the requirements.

Comparative Advantage has two submission deadlines, similar to the college admission process:

● December 8, 2017
● May 11, 2018

We recommend that papers be submitted as soon as possible. The last acceptable date for submissions will be May 11, 2018. All submissions should be emailed to

Selection Process and Publication
All submissions will be reviewed rigorously and we will select the papers best exemplifying strong analytic thought and originality. Our website, including past journals and examples of past published papers, can be found at

We will notify selected authors after the final decisions have been made. We appreciate all contributions. If you have further questions, please contact us at
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