The New Security Beat

The New Security Beat

Ten Years, Nine Floods: Local-Level Climate Adaptation in China

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 09:01 PM PDT

The Lanjiang river in Eastern Zhejiang, China, reached its peak water level of 100 feet the night of June 25, 2017. Lanxi residents remember this day as "6.25," marking the worst flood since 1955. Elsewhere in China that month, 7.3 million people were affected by floods, landslides, and heavy rains in northwestern Sichuan Province alone. […] Related posts: China's Green Bonds Finance Climate Resilience From Disaster Risk Reduction to Sustainable Peace: Reducing Vulnerability and...

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The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Photos Show Bangladesh Camps Are Vulnerable to Impending Monsoons

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 06:02 AM PDT

In late 2017, I visited the several Rohingya refugee camps (Leda, Mainner Ghona, & Kutupalong-Balukhali Makeshift Settlements) in Ukhia Upazila (Cox's Bazar District), Bangladesh. These camps are home to more than a million refugees escaping ethnic violence in Myanmar. The camps' residents are crowded into hilly areas with almost no facilities.Previously, these hills were covered with […] Related posts: Myanmar's Democratic Deficit: Demography and the Rohingya Dilemma The Global...

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