Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

VAL ERIE JARRETT, #RedPilledBlacks AIDS Virus a designer bi-product of U.S. Special Virus program, NAFTA WATCH, S. 204, VJ, Hogg, Standard Hotel, Obama, Schiff, Soros

Posted: 30 May 2018 07:23 PM PDT

President Trump Signs 'Right To Try' Legislation
Dr. Robert Gallo: I Created AIDS to Deliberately Depopulate Humanity - "The scientific evidence is complete and compelling, the AIDS Virus is a designer bi-product of the U.S. Special Virus program. The Special Virus program was a federal virus development program that persisted in the U.S from 1962 until 1978." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13QiSV_lrDQ )

The Company that Is Taking Over Monsanto Knowingly Gave Thousands of Children HIV

HYPOCRITE "Roseanne Show" Writer Quits Show After Roseanne Tweet…Did Wanda Sykes Forget About Time She Called Trump An "Orangutan" And Was Booed Off Stage?

Roseanne Barr Stirs Debate Over Globalist Billionaire George Soros' Alleged Nazi Past

&, speaking of george

Strategic Deployment – Trey Gowdy Defends FBI and DOJ – Spygate Was Justified "The more you know the raw source material behind the Spygate story; the more you can see the false assertions behind Gowdy's statements, and the strategic purpose therein." 

"As much as this video might make a blood-pressure-cuff explode, it is important to see, and remind yourself, exactly how corrupt DC politicians are.  This is exhibit #1 in professional UniParty gaslighting.  Please force yourself to stay with it:"

NAFTA Watch – Canada Vows To Retaliate If They Lose Access To Loophole Permitting Tariff-Free Trade With Foreign Countries "The NAFTA Loophole allows Canada and Mexico to broker independent trade deals with Asian and European companies; then use their Mexican and Canadian access to the U.S. market as a backdoor around U.S. Tariffs." 

Blacks Leaving the Plantation!!
"I went to the Black Lives Matter organization's official website to learn more about the movement. I was shocked by what I read, to say the very least. Because of what I learned I have decided to take a clear stance against the Black Live Matter organization. This group's evident anti-Christian, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and pro-enslavement ideology – enslavement of the masses by the state – is a clear and present danger – it is an evil amongst us."

'They never thought she would lose' -Q

'These people are stupid' -Q

Valerie Jarrett Key Player in Fast and Furious Cover-Up After Holder Lied to Congress

Recently David Hogg shared a gun-control flyer, financed by the Standard Hotel chain: "So what IS going on here? Many sex trafficking busts in LA and now the GM of The Standard Hotel dies in a suspicious helicopter accident. What happened at the hotel? Was Schiff involved? Many connections to be explored. Underage looking children and Pedo-bears in their online ads."

Valerie Jarrett is the LINCHPIN and now you understand the Roseanne LARP

More on VALERIE JARRETT at The Standard Hotel in Los Angeles / Confirmation of Itinerary Places Her in Los Angeles During Ryan McGuinness' Installations and Parties in 2011

Daily exercises for your back

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