Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Triclosan = Agent Orange = FDA conspiring w/Colgate = Cancer, an Ambien Nation of hallucinating psychos, & Africa w/out GM Bt maize!!

Posted: 31 May 2018 06:13 PM PDT

�� DRAIN the FN SWAMP: Because they're coming for you anyway!, #PedoGate #FreeTommyRobinson , the coup in Italy

Posted: 31 May 2018 05:15 PM PDT


"Among the countries involved in the investigation were Australia, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Norway, Greece and the Republic of Ireland. "Officers located hundreds of thousands of images and videos detailing horrific sexual acts against very young children - some of the worst they have ever viewed." "

Hope everyone knows this woman is a huge Human Trafficker and runs multiple CP websites

never let the Uni-pork-party rise again. "The 2% White Hat figure comes from voting records. The 'monsatan protection acts' are a reliable indicator. No sane or intelligent person (nor anyone loyal to their constituency) would vote for these self-destructive mandates of self-deception.
act 1 - illegal to do testing on monsatan's [anti]food
act 2 - States can't require 'warning labels' on this poison
act 3 - criminal penalties for criticizing frankenfood "

#NancyPelosi, Goathill Pizza & The Paul and Nancy Pelosi Foundation (Money laundering and PedoGate connections)

Follow their wives! 

President Trump to Pardon Author and Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza Thursday After Obama Political Hit Job "The political hit job on @DineshDSouza was a disgrace. That's what the Obama administration was good at. Targeting those they disagreed with and trying to silence them. Man this sounds familiar."🇺🇸MFLYNNJR🇺🇸 (@mflynnJR) 5/31/18

🔥 Roseanne just retweeted ABC-Disney's secret Pedo ring 🔥

Trump Trolling MSM >> 'Iger, Where is My Call of Apology? You and ABC Have Offended Millions' / Meanwhile, Roseanne Calling Out ABC For Hiring Pedophiles


This IS a possibility since The Obamas including Malia have connections with Disney

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

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