Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#WalkAway , DACA IS A RACKET! &, BOOM! 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, 19 nurses & billions in medical fraud pushing toxic drugs

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:31 PM PDT

TUCSON UPDATE: they know that we know, the Cubanization of Venezuela, meanwhile; Mueller, Rosenweasel & Wray

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:54 AM PDT

Always remember how good you have it,,, & PRAY for those not as fortunate: "My younger kid refuses to sleep now in his bed and insists on sleeping with me, as he has nightmares where I go far away…again, this time not coming back. I have woken up in the middle of the night just to find him staring at me, a couple of times. I just hug him and keep him close to my chest until we both fall asleep again.
Now we are renting a place, God knows for how long, and spent a lot of money that hardly will be back in our pockets.
This is somehow difficult to write about, as I see slowly how difficult is going to be to return to normality…if such thing happens before I "fly away"…"

Gohmert, Gowdy and Ratcliffe Question Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein "Rosenstein says he never knew Bruce Ohr was communicating with Fusion GPS and Chris Steele? Rosenstein says he never knew Bruce Ohr's wife was an employee of Fusion GPS and communicating with FBI. Rosenstein says he cannot imagine a scenario where the DOJ-NSD and FBI would purposefully mislead the FISA Court." 

Over 200 000 without power as severe thunderstorms hit US

Pensacola Beach, 6/28/18

Is This Going to Crush Rents in Seattle?

Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads). Mods controlled (4ch). Public awakening. They know this is real.. Q

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 08:49 AM PDT

My Faith is in Thee, O Lord
How marvelously You have made the Earth
& All who, & that, here dwell

Thou Art All Good & Worthy Of All Love

Incline Your ears onto our prayers
& By the Grace of Your visitation
Brighten the darkness that envelopes this World

Rescue us O Lord, from the plans of the wicked
That all Creation may again live
In the Peace of Your Divine Will

Alleluia, May it be so!

above in response to #1643 Q

Corporate Brexodus Begins, Africa BEWARE, Obama coming to push his globalist NWO agenda down our throats, Mexican Assassinations, Q

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 07:38 AM PDT

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