Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

My Name is Legion, For We Are Many: No Sign Whatsoever Of Any Evidence

Posted: 14 Jul 2018 05:44 PM PDT

Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you."

"Don't forget that Rosenstein is implicated in the orchestration of Russiagate as a weapon against Trump, a weapon that serves the interests of the Democratic Party and the military/security complex about which President Eisenhower warned us 56 years ago to no avail. Rosenstein's indictment of 12 Russians for allegedly hacking computers is a political indictment aimed at President Trump. The indictment is otherwise pointless as the Russian government will certainly not turn over its military personnel to a Washington kangeroo court. The indictment serves no purpose except to poison the atmosphere of the summit."

The Queen served Sarah but NOT the "Red Hen"....let that sink in :)

Globalist Elite Fear Peace, Want War: Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel). Q

Posted: 14 Jul 2018 09:24 AM PDT

circa 1980s !!!
Q #1626
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 99e3dc No.1945571 📁 Jun 28 2018 16:42:44 (EST)
Anonymous ID: d18c6b No.1945408 📁
Jun 28 2018 16:33:05 (EST)
Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 4.32.42 PM.png
Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D's are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out.

The Iranians BLACKMAILED Obama for his entire presidency: (4) This is ringing alarm bells. (24) I'm sure that I'm wrong. But my GUT is screaming that Strzok Jr is a spy for Iran, and THAT is what the whole thing was about from the beginning. "I think Lurch was begging them: 'PLEASE DON'T GO PUBLIC.'" (26) ADDENDUM:As we speak, Iraq is rising up against Iranian influence.

Jun 20, 2009 - July 2018
Deo gratias!

Troubling Questions Emerge About FBI's Strzok; Father Worked in Africa for Companies Linked to, Funded by CIA
"I check the C_A WAPO on a daily basis. It's a great spot to catch up on the 4am talking points and Deep State's next move. Today's headlines were particularly pathetic:
  1. 'Trump persists in his push for friendly ties with Putin despite Russia indictments' ( Sorry Deep State Mueller, your ridiculous attempts to indict ham sandwiches carry no weight when it comes to MAGA.
  2. 'How Russians hacked the DNC and passed its emails to WikiLeaks' ( This was the primary goal of this charade indictment and it was listed in Count #4. We all know the source was Seth Rich. The Deep State is trying to get in front of the impending BOOM )
  3. 'Mueller probe indicts 12 Russian officers accused of hacking Democrats in 2016' ( Still no concern towards Killary passing Top Secret information through her unsecured personal server, in violation of the Espionage Act )
  4. 'Nothing else Melania Trump wears will ever matter again' ( WAPO attacks The First Lady, feigning ignorance on the meaning of her recent fashion statement about human trafficking )
  5. 'When it comes to lying, Trump is nonstop' By ( intern murderer ) Joe Scarborough ( I find it hilarious that MOURNING JOE is crossing over and standing next to John Podesta in the Op/Ed section of the WAPO )

The Globalist Elite Fears Peace, Wants War

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