Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

These people are evil. #Qanon ; ������Worst 24 hours in history for #FakeNews media/propaganda #REDPILL to #WALKAWAY

Posted: 18 Jul 2018 09:02 PM PDT

in a nutshell!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

let's review: Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals

Tommy Robinson appeal: Watch all of Ezra Levant's reports from London

Feel Good Inc.

Posted: 18 Jul 2018 04:06 PM PDT

Yellowstone supervolcano, sky over Gallup, New Mexico,, supermarket meats, superbugs & mania,, & Sarah

Posted: 18 Jul 2018 03:26 PM PDT

sky over Gallup, New Mexico

Part of Grand Teton National Park near Yellowstone supervolcano closed after massive fissure opens 

Majority of Supermarket Meats Are Riddled With Superbugs  "Nitrates have long been used as preservatives in cured meat products and have been previously linked to some cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, so Yolken suspected they may also explain the link to mood states such as mania."

if Democrats win

starts @ 28:20

& so it begins: Putin, Browder, McFaul, HRC's 2010 Russian Summit, Big Pharma & Merkel, Death by GMOs, Page, China, 20 מיליון בריטים כמוני תומכים בישראל": העיתונאית שנלחמת בתקשורת הבריטית

Posted: 18 Jul 2018 03:03 PM PDT

Obama & Clinton, Not Trump, Sold Out to Putin  "Yet despite the U.S. government being well aware of Russia's intentions, the Obama administration, including the State Department headed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved a deal that gave Russia control over 20 percent of all uranium mining capacity in the United States."

"According to testimony given by Page during two days of closed-door House hearings, former bosses at the FBI instructed her to cover-up the fact that China, not Russia, hacked the DNC server."

Putin Drops Bomb on Mueller: Russia Seeks Charges Against Obama-Era U.S. Ambassador & U.S. Intel Agents Allegedly Linked to Browder  Update: "It appears Michael McFaul is really getting nervous, tweeting like a teenager on meth tonight:"

Remarks at the U.S.-Russia "Civil Society to Civil Society" Summit "We also had a very important summit today between Presidents Medvedev and Obama. Mike McFaul from the National Security Council is here. And Mike, as you know, is a very longtime supporter of a vibrant civil society in Russia. And, as President Obama said when he met with many of you in Moscow last summer, we recognize the critical nature of civil society to a vibrant democracy, and we want to create those relationships between our two countries and between civil society in each country that can assist in answering questions and solving problems." Secretary Clinton

Gaza Balloon Firebomb Hits Israeli Kindergarten

House Conservatives Move Forward with Plans to Impeach Rod Rosenstein

meanwhile: Intel Operative who Altered Obama's Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

Big Pharma, Germany, Angela Merkel, and the Kohl Legacy

What do they fear the most? Q: If Hillary had won, Putin would have owned her sorry ass! HOLD ON TIGHT; PARADIGM SHIFT

Posted: 18 Jul 2018 10:08 AM PDT

Pray for Trump and his administration today

Nolte: Helsinki Is One of Trump's Finest Moments

Former president of Russian target Georgia: "After a lifetime of firsthand experience with Russian aggression, I must evaluate Trump's actions against the historical context. In doing so, I find Trump's actions speak for themselves."

"If Putin was so bad, why did Obama & Hillary sell a percentage of our uranium to him?"

US Launches National Security Probe Into Uranium Imports

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 on lights out yesterday


"The Only Person We Know Colluded with Russia was HILLARY CLINTON" Rand Paul Senator Rand Paul Discusses Unhinged Responses From Former CIA Director John Brennan

"Early on Q said Trump started EVERY day in the Oval with group prayer in DEDICATION TO JFK. The many JFK references and quasi-JFK signatures on Q posts have focused JFK as central to Q all along. Why?

Here is my sincere question to which I hope you answer. I was 80-20 against, until I stopped the video at the side by side of JFK, Jr.'s pic with the "man in the crowd." My question: Has the "man in the crowd" pic been analyzed for photoshop manipulation or insertion? If it is a raw photo, then in my view...because all facial markers are identical to JFK, Jr., and because the "man in the crowd" is exactly JFK, Jr.'s current age, the transfer of Power to the people...an entire paradigm shift...is near!

It is hard to imagine this much prior planning, while giving the Clintons and Bushes a pass...except when I review Trump's wise wait, declining in interviews to run until he knew he could win...until he had developed the maturity, devoted himself to evolve spiritually, and had honed his faith to that of a leader, capable of inspiring the nation.

Then, given Trump's and JFK's friendship... I gotta say... It seems to have all been a question of timing. The time was right, when asked to run by and with the backing of our military's Generals, who were so outraged by government corruption and immorality that they had considered overthrow of Obama if Trump had declined.

As to the choice to disappear, JFK Jr. always had a target on his back, but its possible that intelligence previous to his planned announcement of his father's assassin might have required discretion as the better part of valor. His responsibility was to his pregnant wife, and his wife's need for her beloved sister.

I consider not filing a flight plan very deliberate, and quite uncharacteristic. It seems likely the supposed spur of the moment trip was actually timed for just such an opportune storm. There was no passenger rear seating in the plane for the 3rd person. There were radar issues? Do I remember there was little or even no baggage? (unsure)

I am hoping to see JFK Jr.'s son or daughter one day, but in any case, just the centrality of references to JFK as the focus of Q's mission statement is enough to ltac-light many, many questions in hopes of max-lumins deep down this rabbit hole.

In fact, we have been led here since October! It would be useful for someone to count the number of Q's references to JFK for perspective. I'm going to study the links you provided. Thank you very much for the thoughtful way you presented this. I had seen reports elsewhere that were not engaging, to say the least. Blessings. WWGOWGA"
B. Kiley  

Q anon- Is JFK Jr. Q ?

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