Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

the PATRIOT citizens of the United States of America are bearing the greatest burden in this fight.

Posted: 29 Jul 2018 07:31 PM PDT

FISA is the Foundation

Giuliani: President Trump Has Recordings of Dozens of Journalists Discussing Him With Michael Cohen

A letter to America

I am one of the many who are watching these historic events unfold from the "outside". I am neither American born, not domiciled. I have visited your fair country on several occasions during my fifty years on this planet, and have always felt an affinity with you, the average Joe American.
That is because the average Joe American is warm, welcoming, decent, and brave. You respect those that have put on your military uniform and risked all for your country, and I respect that. You honor your founders and foundational (and VERY unique) Constitution, and I can respect that. You look out for your communities and families and I respect that too. You have, in essence, a decency and strength that is truly worthy of the moniker "American Exceptionalism". America is not just a word or idea; it is a people who share common values of freedom, independence, equality, family, loyalty. I appreciate this message is going to sound a little corny, but I see you being attacked by half the country, I see the frustration in some of you that arrests are not coming fast enough, and I saw tonight Q's frustration that we weren't seeing the progress that was occurring right before our eyes, nor the complexity and danger of the war that was raging around us.
We have all been chosen by God to live in this period of history, a time when in all likelihood the United States is all that stands between our civilization's total capitulation to this Evil, and a future that we would want to pass on to those who inherit this Earth from us. However it is you, the citizens of the United States of America that are bearing the greatest burden in this fight.
Your media likes to tell you that you are despised throughout the world, that anti-Americanism is widespread and that you should tread more lightly. I would like to say to you that that is bullshit. What is happening at this moment in time, led by your President, and this phenomenon of Q is attracting the attention and support of the WORLD. We are you and you are us. We share your contempt for the corruption, for those that would sell out the interests of our countries for their own benefit, and most egregiously harm our children in ways we had not even believed were possible.
As you are attacked by both your own and the international media, and those in your community who have not yet (or may never) wake up to what has and is happening, please know that you are not alone in this fight. What you are doing is inspiring. It is glorious and just.
To President Trump and Q, and those at the sharp end of this war, whilst not American citizens, please know that we outsiders are in awe of you and those who stand beside you. We know that this has not been attempted before. We see the gravity of what is unfolding, and the courage and spirit it took to engage such an enemy. It is clear that this international cabal still has the ability to inflict pain and death, and no hesitation to do so. It is hidden, clever, evil, and well dug in. Lest we forget, this is a real war and good people are dying. Please know that there are many out here who understand your sacrifices and the risks being taken on our behalf. Thank you and God bless you all. WWG1WGA!

Kanye West - Jesus Walks (Version 2)

This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine. Peace through strength. Q: This is some crazy sht. Check mate on this mother fker. SerialBrain2, War Drummer, Anti-ICE, Dirty Needles, Feces, & A WALL

Posted: 29 Jul 2018 02:02 PM PDT

"To President Trump and Q, and those at the sharp end of this war, whilst not American citizens, please know that we outsiders are in awe of you and those who stand beside you. We know that this has not been attempted before. We see the gravity of what is unfolding, and the courage and spirit it took to engage such an enemy. It is clear that this international cabal still has the ability to inflict pain and death, and no hesitation to do so. It is hidden, clever, evil, and well dug in. Lest we forget, this is a real war and good people are dying. Please know that there are many out here who understand your sacrifices and the risks being taken on our behalf. Thank you and God bless you all. WWG1WGA"

Q drops Q 1754 
"Not him but it is his office. The guy came out because q took the server out he was hosting sex traffiking online. Q posted a link to the aventii site, it was down because q took that shit out along with this dipshits sex traffiking server in avenattis building. Check mate on this mother fker." avx2

"Go back and look at Peter Strzok's little victory dance. Understand that someone like that cannot be emotionally attacked through conventional means. I think the Q team are actually doing the right thing currently. They're hitting them where it counts, and very hard at that. So what if it's not "satisfying" for us? It's their call, not ours." Quanon July 29, 2018 at 3:14 am

War Drummer asked Serial Brain 2 if anything happened on July 27 re: BIG DROP – you will find the response at about 18:48 of the video below: via Cathy July 29, 2018 at 10:27 am 

Gohmert and Desantis Discuss Strzok Testimony & Fallout


meanwhile: Ocean Wilderness Vanishing

5G Microwaves: 5G is a Sterilization & Eugenics Program, There is No safe Place

Posted: 29 Jul 2018 10:47 AM PDT

Something BIG is about to drop. Q #RussiaGate ,Clare Bronfman's SEALED INDICTMENT & Mockingbird Media, Brennan threatening Kappy.

Posted: 29 Jul 2018 10:24 AM PDT

Listen VERY carefully. Q

it's all about SRA: In Just the Last Two Weeks, Dozens of Children in Iowa Have Vanished

the Mockingbird Media is almost totally ignoring this massive story and it's multiple tentacles: Clare Bronfman's SEALED INDICTMENT was Opened Last Week and it was HUUUUGE / Nothing Happening?? GTFO  "she's wearing an ankle monitor and is under 24/7 surveillance " 

Facebook & Twitter Keep Pro-Pedophile Posts, Censor Declaration Of Independence

Pro Hollywood Actor, Screenwriter: "SS is a Pedophile...": "Their fans are oblivious and live in a Total Vacuum."
"Basically, UN Aid workers coordinated with an alliance of powerful local leaders to whore out their children with a perceived threat of withdrawing aid to desperate families if the sexual abuse of children and women was objected to...FKING SICK..."

Social media/twitter pedophile exposure: They're deleting their accounts faster than they can be archived  
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