Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Six years ago I published a short PDF that contained directions for getting started using Google Drive. I still get requests for that document even though it is outdated. This evening I'm happy to share that I have put together an updated guide to ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. A Short Guide to Getting Started With Google Drive
  2. Join Me Tomorrow for 5 Ways to Blend Technology Into Outdoor Lessons
  3. More Recent Articles

A Short Guide to Getting Started With Google Drive

Six years ago I published a short PDF that contained directions for getting started using Google Drive. I still get requests for that document even though it is outdated. This evening I'm happy to share that I have put together an updated guide to getting started with Google Drive.

This guide was developed for a total beginner who has never used Google Drive or any aspect of G Suite for Education before. You can view it as a set of Google Slides as embedded below. If you would like a PDF version, you can download that through the widget that I have embedded below the Google Slides.

Get the PDF version through the widget that is embedded below.

Join Me Tomorrow for 5 Ways to Blend Technology Into Outdoor Lessons

Tomorrow afternoon at 4pm Eastern Time I'm hosting a Practical Ed Tech webinar titled 5 Ways to Blend Technology Into Outdoor Lessons. I hosted this webinar back in the spring to close out the school year. It was well received then so I'm offering it again. In the webinar I'll share activities, tools, and strategies for getting your kids outside and involved in lessons that incorporate technology.

In tomorrow's webinar you can learn about:
  • Augmented Reality 
  • Digital mapping 
  • Geocaching 
  • Activity tracking 
  • Observing and collecting scientific data


Your registration includes: 

  • Access to the live webinar on July 31st at 4pm Eastern Time. 
    • Please take advantage of the Q&A 
  • Unlimited access to the webinar recording. 
  • Digital handouts. 
  • PD certificate.

About this post: The sale of my professional development, webinars, online courses, and my on-site professional development services provides the funding to keep Free Technology for Teachers running. The resources that I feature in my online courses and webinars are free. However, there is a significant cost associated with creating, hosting, and managing the courses and webinars which is why I am not able to provide them for free.  

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