Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

the implosion of the clueless: Germany Flushing, pre-empting NAFTA, SMARTPHONE ADDICTION, Q & NoName Fake Death Paranoia?

Posted: 27 Aug 2018 05:42 PM PDT

MAY THIS BE THEIR DOWNFALL: Internet Explodes With Outrage After CAIR Calls For Animal Sacrifice in America

the real reason for the Mueller investigation

& THEN: Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state's secret weapon

meanwhile: Major Potential Setback for Mueller's Trump-Russia Report

ok then, moving right along; Mexico: "both sides have agreed to a trade deal that may eventually replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly referred to as NAFTA." &,,, there was this dig, Trump has "no deep understanding of economics other than knowing how to go bankrupt." "It's dead, Ned. It failed to live up to it promises of less illegal migration and more jobs; job growth fell in half in the United States under NAFTA." Then, After the Bell: Dow Climbs 259 Points as U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal Sends Stocks Soaring but most of the media are absolutely clueless.

& 🔥 the implosion of the clueless 🔥 "Don't believe what you see with your own ears" Don Lemon

Q proof surrounding the death of No Name.

The President Just Offered Military Transport of McSTAIN's Remains / Look for a Refusal from Family Out of Paranoia His Fake Death Will be Revealed

"Anyone who doesn't like it can go to hell," NoName

more adventures in Soetoro land

Retreat We Much: Attorney for Michael Cohen Now Reverses Claims on Trump Knowledge of any Russian Event

Czech PM calls for no illegal migrants in Europe ahead of visit to Italy

South Africa: 'Whites forced education down our throats, it's actually not our thing', Minister of Basic Education


Deep State in Holy Mother Church,

Posted: 27 Aug 2018 03:13 PM PDT

dear Brothers & Sisters,

I get that Pope Francis is a 'Jesuit'... & all that that conspiratorially means, & that I am pretty much alone in this opinion. His situation is no different than President Trump's ... surrounded by the enemy, attacked from all sides, with the singular purpose to REMOVE from office the rightfully elected.
President Trump is a Patriot ... rather obvious really if you listen to him & not the press. 
Pope Francis is a Holy Servant of the Lord through Mary; NOT to be taken lightly as the evil one especially hates those who serve Jesus through his Most Holy Mother.

OPEN THE GOOD EYE. Smears, lies, & lousy translations by un-named sources, ex Vatican officials, atheists & haters of all things Catholic against Pope Francis, are no different than all of the scandal & crap continually thrown @ Don John ... or ... put another way ... when everyone is rushing in the same direction it's a pretty good bet they're wrong. just my opinion.

Faithfully yours in Jesus & Mary, the little brother

"Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it." St. John Paul II

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