Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

�� What You Witnessed Yesterday Was a Momentous Shift in American Politics ��

Posted: 28 Sep 2018 06:45 PM PDT

This investigation is over!

BREAKING: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announces on the Senate floor that all 51 Republican Senators support proceeding to nomination of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Developing: IP Address of Person Who Doxxed GOP Senators Points to Maxine Waters's Office

You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. Q: Tempered in the Heat of Hell. The Sword of Judgement is prepared, ��Accuser Ford is 3rd generation clown��

Posted: 28 Sep 2018 02:05 PM PDT


We are watching what is known as a "death rattle". Blacksmith21

🔥🔥🔥"Why the Deep State all-out attack against Kavanaugh? They are about to be tried in military courts. They will appeal to the SCOTUS to be tried in (corrupt) civil courts. Kavanaugh will be the deciding "no" vote against their appeals. They will all, as Hillary said, be hanging from nooses. This is their last act of desperation before they face the gallows."

After Using Her, Feinstein Actually Threw Ford Under the Bus with Jaw-Dropping Accusation

"If this is the new norm, God help us all."

Flake Didn't Stop Anything, He Actually Got The Process To Move Forward.... "You've got to give the guy credit of moving the vote forward to the full Senate.... Now Kavanaugh will be CONFIRMED - WELCOME JUSTICE KAVANAUGH!"

He will be an awesome Justice.

Justice Kavanaugh: Judicial Super Powers --- Activated!!!  "It looks to me like this experience has completely Red Pilled Kavanaugh. Any doubts he may have had regarding the depths of the DS, Traitor, Cabal depravity he may have had have been erased. They truly have a reason to fear the Supreme Court now. No quarter will be given. They will be judged for the evil they truly are. This week has opened many eyes - sympathetic narratives are going to be very hard to sell after this shameless display evil hypocrisy. WWG1WGA MAGA KEK!!!"

the corrupt DC swamp everyone knows.

This Poor, Victimized, Woman ---- Heads the "Undergraduate Intern Recruitment Program" for the CIA at Stanford U. ....... She's a ghost.

"While everyone is swept up in the Kavanugh hysteria, the House Intelligence Committee quietly closed their Russia Probe and plan to release it to the public! Me thinks this is D4 out of 5. Now it's time for China probe. Shift in the narrative. The Senate will follow in the closing of their Russia investigation and Mueller is left hanging." ....&, House votes to permanently extend individual tax cuts
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