Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

O, but it's getting better

Posted: 06 Sep 2018 03:43 PM PDT

You didn't think nothing was HAPPENING did you? Q - ��Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned�� MAGA Rally in Billings

Posted: 06 Sep 2018 02:43 PM PDT

Q 2096 - You didn't think nothing was HAPPENING did you?

LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Billings, MT 9/6/18

JUST IN: Grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

The 'tell' of the entire thing is that Cuomo doesn't say a word after Kasich says 'put to death'. kestrel9 "I don't know what made him say that but the words "put to death" just rolled off his tongue a little too easily for me."

Trump was Brilliant in Shoring Up Manufacturing and Small Business in America In Preparatioin for the Massive Drop in Deep State Backed Tech Industry "He's CONTROLLING the entire takedown and altering the very structure of the economy, including floating trial balloons about taking over the FED."
"Imagine you are the Cabal the rules the world. The people need to be controlled, so give them Fox News and CNN. 85% of people are content to pick a side and feel self righteous about the choice and mock the ignorance of the other side. 
But 15% of people don't buy it. They need to be controlled too, so what do you do?
You give them the truth. Well, you give them a portion of the truth. And you deliver to them via a big personality who uses these partial truths to lead you to false conclusions. 
Enter Alex Jones. 
Do you really think he'd have been allowed to get as big as he has if he wasn't controlled? If he was the real thing, he'd have been quietly removed long before he was a household name. He'd either have had a heart attack or they would have found child pornography on his computer. 
So what is Alex Jones job? It's twofold. First, HE does the investigation and reports HIS conclusions. Secondly, he adopts a personality just crazy enough to immediately discredit himself to the 85%, but not so bad that the 15% become skeptical. 
Here's an example. Do you remember the "It's Okay to be White" campaign? Little harmless flyers were posted everywhere with that benign statement. The Left freaked the fuck out about it. Do you remember? And what did Alex Jones do? He pounced on it immediately and started merchandising shit that said, "It's Okay to be White, It's Okay to be Black, It's Okay to be Brown; it's GREAT to bring human." 
So what did he accomplish by doing this? Easy. He took something that was meant to raise awareness to the global anti-white pogrom and he reframed it to make it appear that all races are equal. 
Or how about the way he freaks out about "Radical Islamic Terrorists"? Be honest with yourself. Do you really think Arabs would be any less savage and stupid if you somehow erased Islam from their minds? No. Their religion is shit tier but their incompatibility with Western nations is much deeper than that. It's racial. 
But Jones is a Civic Nationalist. And he convinces others to become Civic Nationalists as well. Civic Nationalism is right wing virtue signaling designed to get you to cheerfully embrace the white genocide happening worldwide."  fuckingmockies

"Operation Guardians of Innocence"
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