Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

CLOCKWORK Q: the spastic reaction of the "Stupids" & the Judas Goats

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 06:17 PM PDT

"FISA declass will START the process of draining the swamp for real ...  it will seriously test the resolve of this nation and it is coming."

Bitter Barack Obama Breaks Months of Silence to Trash Donald Trump "Out of this political darkness, I'm seeing a great awakening," he asserted in stupefying arrogant narcissism & O yes you are!!

the Judas Goats & why we elected Trump in the first place. (15) Every day brings a new Democratic train wreck.

"Never interfere with the enemy while it's busy destroying itself." -Q ( One such protestor who painted fake blood on her body was removed from the hearing yesterday. )

@JonnyPedo: "That comment section is f***ing awesome !!!! Not gonna be able to put this back in the bottle !!" TheParadigmMan

the Great Reckoning: PANIC IN THE DEMS, GPGP, FOUR flights of sick people land in Western nations, PewDiePie on Tumblr, Crimea, Medjugorje

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 01:07 PM PDT

Our Lady of Medjugorje through Mirjana, March 18, 2018 apparition: 
"Dear children! My earthly life was simple. I loved and I rejoiced in small things. I loved life – the gift from God – even though pain and sufferings pierced my heart. My children, I had the strength of faith and boundless trust in God's love. All those who have the strength of faith are stronger. Faith makes you live according to what is good and then the light of God's love always comes at the desired moment. That is the strength which sustains in pain and suffering. My children, pray for the strength of faith, trust in the Heavenly Father, and do not be afraid. Know that not a single creature who belongs to God will be lost but will live forever. Every pain has its end and then life in freedom begins there where all of my children come – where everything is returned. My children, your battle is difficult. It will be even more difficult, but you follow my example. Pray for the strength of faith; trust in the love of the Heavenly Father. I am with you. I am manifesting myself to you. I am encouraging you. With immeasurable motherly love I am caressing your souls. Thank you."

the #WalkAway March on Washington, October 26-28th. Join us!!!

"On Nov. 6, we patriotic Americans will vote against sanctuary cities & open borders, against leftist hatred for ICE & other law enforcement, against ANTIFA mob rule & violence, against socialist & communist candidates, against higher taxes, against continued government corruption, against unfounded charges of racism for conservatives (both black and white), against dem-run filthy city streets, against 2nd Amendment gun rights grabbers, and so much more to end mob rule from the loathsome, vile, radical hate-America crowd." joycemarie1212

The internal implosion on the left: "An Irish woman has withdrawn the "pussy hat" knitting pattern which she had posted online as a service to fellow female protesters preparing for President Trump's visit to Ireland in November: woke activists had pointed out to her that some women have penises, not vaginas." OR, "Her Penis was erect"......................?

funding: Who's going to pay the rioters for their work on the op?

CONFIRMED: Organizer Vinay Krishnan Who Was Caught Paying Off Kavanaugh Protesters — Works for Soros-Linked Organization

Legend! &, this!! from politico "But the left is also in the grips of a feeling of inflamed impotence, especially when it comes to the Supreme Court. The Democrats couldn't confirm Barack Obama's pick, Merrick Garland, for the late Antonin Scalia's seat, yet President Donald Trump has two high court picks and counting. These seats, by their reckoning, are therefore "stolen" — although their disposition was subject to normal democratic processes. The Democrats could have had control of all the Supreme Court picks over the past several years if they'd managed to hold the Senate in 2014, or the presidency in 2016. They could do neither. Procedural theatrics, hearing-room protests and outrageous allegations are all they have to substitute for their lack of power."


DTEK preparing lawsuit against Russia on assets lost in Crimea

At least FOUR flights full of sick people land in Western nations in past 36 hours

Plastic Watch: First Ocean Cleanup Array to Launch Tomorrow TARGET: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), a major plastic accumulation zone three times the size of France, located in subtropical waters between California and Hawaii.

The science behind the healing effects of ginger

Adoremus in aeternum

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 08:26 AM PDT

We will adore for eternity the most holy Sacrament. 
Praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him all ye peoples.
Because his mercy is confirmed upon us:
and the truth of the Lord remains forever. 
Glory be to the Father, & to the Son, & to the Holy Ghost:
As it was in the beginning, is now, & ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.
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