Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~ Message from Our Lady of La Salette

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 07:01 PM PDT

12:30pm At "The Rock", Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, New York, Notre Dame de La Salette 
... So now the plan is clear for all of you, the true followers of the Church of My Son. You must retain all that is good within My Son's Church and exercise the discernment of all that is bad, all that has been corrupted in My Son's Church.

You must also discern those who within the hierarchy of My Son's Church have been guilty of commiserating with the evil one in the corruption of My Son's Church.

During these end times, there shall be a purification of the leaders of My Son's Church, and of the priests, bishops and cardinals who have fallen astray. My Son's Church must proceed into the future, free of the corruption of those leaders who have been tarnishing and damaging My Son's Church by their embrace of the demonic new world order, and their embracing of globalist policies that are hoaxes and ploys to divert your attention from the true purpose for the existence of My Son's Church - the salvation of souls of all of God's children through the Holy Sacraments of My Son's True Church.

So the message should be clear now to all of you. Through your own personal and prayerful discernment, you must move forward with confidence and strength to gravitate as a family, as a group, and as a congregation to the places of worship where the Remnant Church of My Son is being formed within the greater Church that has become so corrupted and stained by the evil one. ...

Consecration of the Abbey Church of our Lady, Queen of Apostles - On Sunday, their new monastic church will be solemnly consecrated using the traditional Pontificale Romanum.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:34 PM PDT

the live stream of the Consecration of the Abbey Church of the Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Ephesus in Gower, Missouri. If the live stream fails during Mass, a link to view a recording will be placed at www.conceptionabbey.org/live sometime after the event.

Sunday 9 September and Monday the 10th mark great days for this faithful Benedictine community of nuns and for the whole Church.

Presidential Proclamation for September 8 –September 10, 2018 National Days of Prayer & Remembrance

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 04:36 PM PDT

During the National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, we pause to honor the memory of the nearly 3,000 innocent people who were murdered by radical Islamist terrorists in the brutal attacks of September 11, 2001. We come together to pray for those whose lives were forever changed by the loss of a loved one. We strengthen our resolve to stand together as one Nation.

Darkness, hatred, and death marred that fateful September morning, 17 years ago. Our Nation watched with stunned silence, tears, anger, and utter disbelief as multiple tragedies unfolded. Although shaken and heartbroken, we were not defeated. Even in the midst of the devastation and sorrow, the indomitable spirit of our country emerged, as first responders selflessly rushed into the heart of danger. The evil attacks, intended to warp our way of life, instead ignited a flame of national unity, strengthened our will, and mobilized our volunteer spirit. The faith of our Nation may have been tested in the avenues of New York City, on the shores of the Potomac, and in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, but our strength never faltered and our resilience never wavered.

The passage of time cannot ever lessen our commitment to freedom, our heartbreak for those who perished, our compassion for those who lost a friend or loved one, and our gratitude for the first responders and other heroes who braved death to save so many. We must recommit ourselves to ensuring that future generations of Americans always understand this defining moment in our Nation's history. During these annual days of prayer and remembrance, we pray that all find peace in the love of God, courage to face the future, and comfort in the knowledge that those who were lost will never be forgotten. We pray for guidance, wisdom, and protection for the men and women in uniform who fight each day to protect America from terrorism, and we pray for the unity of our Nation, both in times of peril and peace.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 7, through Sunday, September 9, 2018, as National Days of Prayer and Remembrance. I ask that the people of the United States mark these National Days of Prayer and Remembrance with prayer, contemplation, memorial services, the visiting of memorials, the ringing of bells, and evening candlelight remembrance vigils. I invite all people around the world to share in these Days of Prayer and Remembrance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.

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