Free Technology for Teachers - 4 new articles

This afternoon I answered a question from a school principal who was looking for an efficient way to create a video of pictures from a recent school event. My suggestion was to try Sharalike. Sharalike is available to use in the web browser on your ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 4 new articles

  1. How to Quickly Create Audio Slideshow Videos
  2. The Student Blogging Challenge - An Audience for Your Students' Blogs
  3. Manufacture Your Future - A Discovery Virtual Field Trip
  4. The LOC Launches the National Screening Room Online
  5. More Recent Articles

How to Quickly Create Audio Slideshow Videos

This afternoon I answered a question from a school principal who was looking for an efficient way to create a video of pictures from a recent school event. My suggestion was to try Sharalike. Sharalike is available to use in the web browser on your laptop and is also available as an iOS app and as an Android app.

Sharalike is a service that will let you select a set of pictures on your phone or computer then add background music. Once you've selected pictures and selected music Sharalike does the rest of the work for you. Sharalike handles all of the work of adding transitions, pan and zoom effects, and lighting adjustments. You can choose from several slideshow themes. Each theme uses slightly different transitions and frames around your images. Sharalike does include a small selection of free instrumental music that you can use in your slideshow or you can import music from outside of the service.

Watch my video to learn how easy it is to create a video with Sharalike.


The Student Blogging Challenge - An Audience for Your Students' Blogs

Edublogs provides an excellent service for creating classroom blogs and student blogs. But offering a solid blogging platform isn't the only way that Edublogs supports teachers. Throughout the year Edublogs publishes helpful tips for creating and maintaining blogs with students. You'll find those tips on The Edublogger. And twice each year Edublogs hosts a student blogging challenge. The next student blogging challenge begins the week of October 7th.

  The Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge is a ten week challenge. Each week there is a different challenge for students to complete. All of the challenges are designed to help students develop their writing and digital citizenship skills. Participating in the challenges can give your students' blog entries a larger audience as you'll be connected with other classes participating in the Student Blogging Challenge.

Learn more about the Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge in the following video.


Manufacture Your Future - A Discovery Virtual Field Trip

Next Friday at 1pm EDT Discovery Education is a hosting a virtual field trip titled Manufacture Your Future. The virtual field trip will take students to the Arconic plant in Texas where they'll learn about the 3D printing in the context of the aerospace industry. During the virtual field trip students will hear from engineers and from the technicians who run 3D printers. The virtual field trip is free, but you do need to register in advance right here.

If the timing of this virtual field trip doesn't work for your class, register anyway so that you can be notified when a recording is available.

The Manufacture Your Future virtual field trip is a part of Discovery's Celebrate Manufacturing Day. You can find additional resources, including videos of field trips from previous years, on the Celebrate Manufacturing Day website.

The LOC Launches the National Screening Room Online

The Library of Congress has a new online collection called the National Screening Room. The National Screening Room currently contains 287 videos. The videos are digital copies of films made in the 19th and 20th centuries. You can browse the collection by date, location of the filming, and subject. You can also search for videos that are parts of other LOC collections. All of the videos in the National Screening Room can be viewed online and or downloaded as MP4 files.

Embedded below you will see a copy of Jamestown Exposition, 1907 from the National Screening Room.

Applications for Education
In a press release Mike Mashon, head of the LOC's Moving Image Section, said, "The goal of this digital project is to present the public with a broad range of historical and cultural audio-visual materials that will enrich education, scholarship and lifelong learning."

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