Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 14 Oct 2018 08:43 PM PDT

the history of the madmen & murderers within these professions who were content to use torture in the name of science

Posted: 14 Oct 2018 08:24 PM PDT

◄ Revelation 12:9 ► And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

◄ Revelation 12:17 ► Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring--those who keep God's commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

4 UFO's Take Out Satellite/Space Force/Weather Wars. ��Cartoon & Disney Based - Operation Paperclip, Bluebird, Mockingbird & MK Ultra SRA Survivor��

Posted: 14 Oct 2018 05:57 PM PDT

✅ Confirmed 👍🏻 Assange has internet again......... 


MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists Attack Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer Protesters in Street

Posted: 14 Oct 2018 04:27 PM PDT

Patriot Prayer members called on the Portland Mayor to either resign or cease ordering the police to stand down as masked Antifa members take over the streets.

THIS angle clearly shows #ANTIFA snowflake LOSERS started it by THROWING bottles, eggs, and m80s.

BREAKING: MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists Attack Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer Protesters in Street 

CIVIL WAR 2.0 - they asked for it, they got it

from 17 months ago & YES ... that is a bat,  'she' also had a knife but the bat & knife were ''taken out of play'' 


Americans are tired of this sh!t: Weather Terrorism Obliterates MAGA Panhandle, Illegal Body Parts Trafficking linked to HRC, Twitter imploding, & just like that Blasey Ford & her GOFUNDME $$'s G O N E !

Posted: 14 Oct 2018 02:23 PM PDT

Geoengineering Signatures Prove Hurricane Michael Was Being Intensified And Steered

no one dares suggest that the omission of the planting of the American flag might have had something to do with the box office failure: "To begin with, to put it as simply as possible, I think the American people are just tired of this shit, tired of Hollywood celebrating every culture in the world while denigrating ours. Hollywood enjoys the best of America — wealth, fame, personal freedom, artistic freedom — they are the freest and most spoiled culture in the history of the world, and still they shit all over of us — and we are sick of it."

"One phenomena that never ceases to amaze is the left's tone-deafness and lack of any survival skills. How in the world, can you go through life assaulting people because you don't like their speech, invade their space, try to marginalize them, support politicians that systematically attack a class of citizens -- in this case, white men-- AND NOT THINK THAT THERE WOULD BE A BACKLASH?! What kind of moron would do such a thing? A DemonRat, of course."

Christine Blasey Ford, --- gone ---- GOFUNDME money ---- gone ---- honesty and integrity --- gone "Highest paid per minute actress in the history of suspended disbelief.", "Notice how the Judge Roy Moore accuser is also gone?"

"The accusations against Kavanaugh were never corroborated. Democrat Katie Hill's (running for Congress in California's 25th congressional district) behavior, however, was caught on camera and broadcast on HBO."

Fusion GPS Founder 'IN REAL LEGAL JEOPARDY' Over Inconsistent Testimony
(running for Congress in California's 25th congressional district)
but it gets better: California Organ Procurement Companies with Links to Hillary Clinton Admit Guilt in Illegal Body Parts Trafficking

ok then: Watch Jack go down in flames.

poor urban women of color: "When police raided his Women's Medical Society, they thought that they were putting an end to a pill mill that was the largest supplier of illicit prescription painkillers in Philadelphia. But once inside, police made the grisly discovery that Kermit Gosnell's medical office was something much worse. Police seized the bodies of 47 aborted babies - all with mysterious wounds across the backs of their necks. They soon realized they had uncovered a "House of Horrors" where babies were routinely born alive during very late-term abortions only to be brutally murdered by him and his incompetent staff."  

"PP and NARAL are complicit in the systematic slaughter of millions of babies and SELLING THEIR BODY PARTS TO HIGHEST BIDDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only a DemonRat could champion such groups. Tells you everything you need to know. VOTE RED!!!!!!!!!!!!" walkingcontradiction

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