Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

“asylum seekers” armed & using children as human shields, Gab backup site active, make viral over AZ for the next 8 days, KNOW YOUR HISTORY BEFORE YOU VOTE

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 07:45 PM PDT

second caravan, Mexican police clash at Guatemala border 
Guatemala's Interior Ministry said the second group had wounded Guatemalan police and used children as human shields, and Guatemalan firefighters confirmed that a 26-year-old Honduran had been killed from a blow to the head. 
Navarrete Prida said Mexican federal police and immigration agents were attacked with rocks, glass bottles and fireworks when migrants broke through a gate on the Mexican side of the border, but were prevented from entering. Navarrete said some of the attackers carried guns and firebombs. There was no evidence that the first caravan had come with weapons.  
(video from Milenio Televisión) 
"asylum seekers" in action.
"Some of the "migrants" were carrying rocks and bottles to throw at the police. Others were reportedly armed with guns and firebombs."
Officials confirmed that the troops who would normally carry weapons will bring their weapons with them to the border.


FYI: The Gab backup site is alive and active while the main site is being relocated. Long live free speech. Link in post.

Did you guys know the same year Bayer bought out Monsanto (2015). that the Swiss equivalent of Monsanto (Syngenta) was bought out by the Chenese equivalent of Bayer (ChemChina)


5,000 TROOPS TO THE BORDER FOR MIGRANT STORM, ��#RedWave Coming! The Whole Hood Know That!�� #WalkAway March Straka's Speech, Mexico & Venice

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 03:29 PM PDT

Venice, Italy

Operation Faithful Patriot "Now it's a full on Military operation."

Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy: "By the end of this week we will deploy over 5,200 soldiers to southwest border. That is just the start of this operation."

Defense Secy Mattis Discusses Military's Role In Preparing For Migrant Caravan
Aaronkin @ voat - "I will give you 3. No. 1.Provided the Redit refugees with a sanctuary on 3 separate occasions during 3 separate Redit mass banning / censorship events, just in the last 3 years. You ever wonder why the Redit refugees always ran to Voat every time Redit gave them shit? Or why on the first 2 occisions 95% percent of them went running back to Redit like little bitches? Voat has a culture that repels invaders and it works. No. 2. Numerous Pizzagte discoveries. No. 3. This one might just be the most important. Got your panties in a bunch! --- Not really, just kidding, most important Voat has been the refuge for free speech when almost every other social media platform has fallen to the cabal. We are still here, we are still free and don't kid yourself that they have not tried to take us down yet, they have been trying for years. What we do here is we allowed the truth to be told, even when you or I find it painful to hear. Oh hell I forgot my most favorite. Goats!"
Four Shots Fired Into Florida GOP Headquarters "But no one fired 4 shots into Sayco's MAGA covered van which allegedly roamed around Broward county, FL?" docksofthebay

the third mass shooting in a place of worship in the last three years.
"In the wake of the shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, many on the left are trying to twist the horrific incident into a black mark for President Trump. Protesters showed up at a GOP rally, intending to do just that, overstepping all bounds of decency when they ruined a moment of silence in memory of the victims."

massive voter fraud has been ousted & exposed in Georgia

Grab your POPCORN! This sh!t is getting REAL!

because of groups like Antifa: The silence is DEAFENING

🔥🔥🔥 "It was the Republicans that got the Civil Rights Act passed. Hillary's mentor Robert "KKK" Byrd, who was a Grand Wizzard in the KKK, filibusted to try to prevent its passage."

Obama tells Michigan Democratic voters to get out & vote early ... only, Michigan doesn't have early voting ... & then, Goes To Detroit to Beg a Mostly Black Crowd To Vote For a White Democrat Over A Successful Black Businessman!!

& because Soetoro knows: "It MUST be Party before Country." any questions??!

The Clintons and the Recent Lion Air Crash

Make this go viral 

The results are finally in from one of the most controversial voting exercises ever held in Mexico.
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