Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Spinning out of control: the States, N.K., Brazil, Poland, Greece, China, Mexico, Honduras, Kanye, & Candace got Miloed.

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 08:09 PM PDT

N. Korea Shuts down Coastal Artillery Units

President Trump and First Lady Melania Visit Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh….

The entire Democrat party is OVER if blacks leave. "THEY" were not going to let this happen. Either his twitter is hacked or they threatened him. I don't believe Kanye would leave over Trump saying that he would use an executive order to stop to "Birthright citizenship". chimpanzilla 
I wasn't able to gather any information from Candace's or Kanye's tweets. From what I understand, strictly from this posts comments, it seems as if Candace got Miloed. BeeVomitImHome
Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops

Scientists Confirm China as Major Source of Banned Ozone-Depleting Chemicals

EU BOMBSHELL: Poland and Greece demand €1TRILLION from Germany for Nazi WW2 payback

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis URGENT Speech on Alliances & Partnerships, Blasey Ford's MILLION $ LIE, 90% of Ben&Jerry's ice cream tested positive for Monsanto's RoundUp, interview w/Andrew Torba

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 04:31 PM PDT

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