Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

VOTER ID LAW = DEATH OF D PARTY. Boomerang Suicide? Q

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 07:44 PM PST

YOU ARE WITNESSING THE SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD GUARD. Q, Holy **** this is blowing up big time, California Wildfires & DEW

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 03:20 PM PST

California Wildfires

"The outrageous ballot-counting issues in Broward County are un-American and unacceptable, I call on Governor Scott to immediately suspend Brenda Snipes, Supervisor of Elections for Broward County. She has failed to follow state transparency laws during this election, and has a long history of misconduct, including preemptively destroying ballots."  Rep. Matt Gaetz 

Holy **** this is blowing up big time and it is coming back around to bite them on the butt. justice.

WTAF: Joe Sullivan worked for PayPal, Facebook, Ebay, Uber, was an Obama Cyber Security Council appointee in 2016 & is now at Cloudflare & holds the security key for elections in many states.

Democratic Party leader in Texas behind recently busted voter fraud ring

Entire US Election System: Fraudulent and Suspicious Activities Reported Nation-wide – And ALWAYS to Democrat's Benefit

This IS a RED TSUNAMI ~ The Army Of God is Mobilized
In case they take him down, he's backed up. https://prayingmedic.com/
Edit: I have no proof or sauce to support this, it's just a hunch, but if they're going after PrayingMedic, they're probably going to go after BlessedToTeach also. If they do, he is also backed up https://blessed2teach.com/ 

GOVERNMENT USING LASERS EMF DEW BEFORE CA FIRE - griffith park is blazing since 7:00 am

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 11:32 AM PST

Next step? 4. Checkmate: TRUMP SIGNED IT!, La Résistance Pelosi Palace Revolt, Lion & Bamah mono y mono, Don'chu Worry Fla. GEOTUS Got This

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 11:16 AM PST

Presidential Proclamation Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States

UPHOLDING THE RULE OF LAW: The Trump Administration is rightfully & fully restoring the rule of law on our southern border.

YUMA, Ariz. – Border Patrol agents assigned to Yuma Sector apprehended over 400 illegal aliens who surrendered to them Tuesday and Wednesday, including two huge groups of Central American nationals totaling 82 and 83 subjects. ... & ... UN ISSUED CREDIT CARDS FUNDED BY SOROS

"It's actually hundreds of millions for both North America and EU. According to UN population replacement program documents. This is on schedule to happen within 1 to 3 decades. Otherwise known as ethnic cleansing of European white people world wide, making them a minority not just globally as they already are but everywhere! Civilised world is going to be radically transformed/destroyed with very low standards across the board with everything. History, culture, arts, heritage, traditions, values and society of European/western cultures are already being destroyed, when we look at Europe that was once very diverse we now see segregation, dividing of nations and taking over by immigrants where they are not subject to national laws. The UN and EU intend to end all nations and to do this they must end diversity along with the freedom, democratic and individualist rights nations to achieve their goals. The same socialist globalists technocrats that called for world government centuries ago are behind this and to this day their organisations fund and push for this. They intend to continue flooding the west with incompatible people so they can destroy all civilised western nations and eradicate white Europeans as Kalergi called for." Common Sense

Caught On Video: Concerned citizen sees ballots being transported in private vehicles & transferred to rented truck on Election night. "Supervisor of Elections is Brenda Snipes, you know the one.. the one who a Judge has ruled that she illegally destroyed ballots during the last election, how could she possible be allowed to hold that position after that?"


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, .... but THE 1982 Consent Decree which expired last December.

Protesters gather outside Broward Board of Elections Headquarters

... & so it starts ... 9 Arrests in Texas ...Voter fraud ... Book-em Dano!

& THIS: Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, John Podesta & Others Named in RICO Case
4. Checkmate
What happens when you are a lousy and emotional chess player, thought you would win the game and have been schooled? This happens: video. Did you notice at 0:29 where the loser claimed the piece was in another position? These are the multiple recounts dems want in a desperate attempt to change the outcome of the midterms…

What you saw in this video, in political language, translates to the term "red line" in this tweet which in turn translates to caravans, false flags like this, indoor mobs like this and outdoor mobs like that.

Well, it appears Q's Plan already knew their countermove after they realized they were defeated was to show their artistic skills and start drawing red lines on the floor. It's right here:


Next move before checkmate? What Branch is in charge of ultimately verifying if the Law is interpreted correctly? Yes, the Judicial Branch. And who confirms the presidential appointments for the Judicial Branch? Yes, the Senate. You see? We went full circle. It now seems to be the perfect time for Q to remind us of the conditions under which martial law can be applied:

Q2460 "..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action," Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Q

This is huge and these idiot reporters don't even get it.

La Résistance: There's no small amount of irony in this palace revolt.

& ... In Loving Memory of Jim Acosta's Career

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