Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Q's back!!! On All SAINTS DAY! "We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people." Q, TRUMP LIVE ON ILLEGAL INVASION CRISIS

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 07:05 PM PDT

TRUMP SPEECH MOMENTS AGO, RE: "ILLEGAL MIGRANT INVASION CRISIS"!!! He is Preparing the Public for What is Coming!  
Fast Forward to 26:35 minutes: 
Trump says that IF the Violent Illegal Migrants throw anything at our soldiers, rocks and things are to be treated as a lethal weapon like a Rifle. So they will be shot at. Best to get this word out, forewarned is forearmed. Illegals now know the rules of the game. You want to get killed? Throw rocks or shoot at our Military. 
There will be big tents set up for these people to file for immigration, BUT THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ILLEGALLY ENTER THIS COUNTRY! THANK-YOU POTUS TRUMP!!!
He also said that anyone who enters illegally from now on WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION!

James O'Keefe: Exposing Beto - Tonight @ 9:00 pm EST  "Let's do it... Ladies & Gentlemen, please prepare your popcorn. RED WAVE INBOUND! "

Never mistake kindness or silence for weakness: #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder , black people #BLEXIT All Americans #WalkAway, war against white people, Sessions on China & DS

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 03:17 PM PDT

"Life happened. It'll make or break you, too many let themselves get pushed into molds that life wants them to fit and they quit fighting it at some point. Then before they can blink they're the ones pushing" Dalton Laskowski

All Americans #WalkAway... UNITED Hispanics #WalkAway, The Great Awakening is growing... #MAGA

Wreaking of desperation and I quote:
"F- Trump. Stupid Republican retard. Trump is the anti-christ. Trump loves misery and hates Mexicans. Trump wants you to die. Trump wants to murder Mexicans."

Google is being accused of engaging in election meddling by burying Candace Owens' Blexit website in its algorithm despite the website ranking number 1 on every other major search engine.

3. When Papadopoulos got to Dulles, Mueller's goons were waiting. 5. Anyone still buying into the Obama/Clinton 'Trump-Russia' LIE needs to wise up, FAST. Events are now unfolding at speed, none good for Obama or Clinton. I get it that you don't want to believe the truth, because that means your heroes lied to you. As did their media slaves.
WASHINGTON – "I think it's the only hope for democracy in America and I will be leading a great movement to prohibit straight white males, who I believe supported Donald Trump by about 85 percent, from exercising the franchise and I think that will save our democracy," Steven (((white male possibly straight))) Clifford, author/former CEO of the King Broadcasting Company & National Mobile Television  "Blast this on high as far and wide as you can. Even the dopiest liberal has to get that this is the opposite of Democracy. This is the wake up and stop breathing the contrail sleeping gas. We need to put it out there with a list of the media this guy controlled. Can we link him to political figures! WWWWWOOOOW! And you can tell he is reading Q: He wants to lead a "Great Movement" to counter the Great Awakening. What American would ever follow this???If we can get some memes up and plan a twitter campaign to plaster this guy and his connections all over twitter I think we can get our country back! Force them to address this on MSM. No way to defend if we can tie them to him. Here's a list of the channels he controlled until they were sold to Tenga. king Broadcasting exists now as a holding company for Tenga. KING-TV (Seattle) KING-FM (Seattle) KONG-TV (Seattle/Everett, originally operated under a local marketing agreement) KGW-TV (Portland, Oregon) KPOJ, the former KGW (AM) (Portland, Oregon) Northwest Cable News (Pacific Northwest) KREM (Spokane, Washington) KTVB (Boise, Idaho) KHNL (Honolulu, Hawaii) National Mobile Television" grace8
meanwhile: Another shining example of the mental illness we're up against

This is about sending a message to China and the Deep State.

Never mistake kindness or silence for weakness. That is not a mistake you make more than once.

The Solemnity of All Saints

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 12:22 PM PDT

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