Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

“California Lightning” aka D.E.W. Off the electric grid – home vaporized.

Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:37 PM PST

"Show me acres of trees that are INCINERATED TO ASH like the houses and cars. The materials in the houses ARE RATED FOR SOME BURN RESISTANCE, they aren't built out of the polyester that our 1970's Halloween Costumes were made out of. Why are the TREES, which are supposed to be dried out from a drought, not burning but the TILE ROOFS go up in flames like match sticks? The bigger question: Why aren't they building houses out of those trees so they don't burn?"

California Fire Eyewitness Barely Makes it out Alive

Trump's CLOSING the Southern Border!!! Make Tijuana Great Again! & the media silence is deafening.

Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:55 PM PST

MARABUNTA MIGRATORIA, AGENDA 21 & PARADISE LOST, Haiti; 50 dead - Coup or Clinton Cleanup?, CFPB SWAMP DRAIN, #EndTheFED

Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:17 PM PST


under the guise of "Know your ancestry".  "Don't do it.. they probably have a biological weapon that can target someone using their DNA. Remember, they have lots of technology that we don't even know about."

I am getting reports of potential progress, at last, on Haiti including from @CoreysDigs that Justice is arriving thanks to our military forces...the Clintons, Obama, Bushes and cronies need to worry, "bigly" "the Haitian Times was reporting on indiscriminate shooting all day yesterday."

the final non stop push to institute AGENDA 2030 formely known as AGENDA 21. They sold our nation mostly to China. 
> here you go: "Yang. Fking A. Thanks for the diversity boomers." Kevdude

meanwhile: Another good example of the Cabal slowly but surely losing this war.

& the Good News: Trump Department Head Fires Entire Staff of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau "This agency was stacked from top to bottom with Democrats. Because for the ruse to work, Democrats needed to stack the deck. Then, they ran roughshod over America. In terms of draining the swamp, this may be the most powerful move the Trump administration made in a long time."


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