Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

the ballz to go full blown: Celine Dion goes full Alefantis. You NEVER go full Alefantis

Posted: 20 Nov 2018 01:08 PM PST

symbolism is their down fall.

MattDawg80 37 points (+37|-0) What in the freaking hell. I just went through the Instagram and there is so much satanic and pedophilic symbolism. Black cubes, spirals, eyes, death represented by black hands and skulls. I mean just wow.

RogerMoore0017 17 points (+17|-0) She should hang in the 1st batch being this brazen. The cats out of the bag and she has the ballz to go full blown. Either that or the DS is saying fuck you, stop us! This shit has to start coming to a head now. What other proof do they need at this point?

Number of US Human Trafficking arrests 2016=525.
Number of US Human Trafficking arrests 2017/18=11,000 & counting. 

No Celine, they are indeed our children.

From Perche to Las Vegas…

Cali Fire Weather Warfare: "they will hit us with rain next & mud floods out the upper valley", list CampFire 11-18-18 missing

Posted: 20 Nov 2018 11:49 AM PST

As the flames roared closer, Sanders stroked Lincoln's cheeks and made a pact with the stranger to her left."If it comes down to it, if you have to run, take the baby," she said to David. "Leave me behind."

CampFire/11-18-18 missing

Josephine l Hogg - November 16, 2018 at 12:16 pm
"Bodies so badly burned, there is no DNA left to identify them"…? Crematorium burn at up to 980 degrees Celsius and it takes up to 3 hours CONSISTENTLY burning at that temperature to turn a body into ash."

again, w/feeling

KingdomWarrior 5 days ago (edited) MIKE! LOOK at the POOF on the coast at Eureka just before the fire starts, where the beam signature came from as shown on Digiduit! The beam came in at the angle of your triangle point, its at the Nat. Park I told u about. Its RIGHT where A Next Rad is. Then the upside down wishbone POOF (looks like SMOKE POOF) disappears. That's where it came from. & yes, C€NSOR SQUARES.

grad0n 5 days ago KingdomWarrior same thing with nexrad further south in Cali pushing the natural jet stream away from Cali.

sealteam818 3 days ago (edited) About your comment on "Black triangle crafts" I seen one with my bare eyes in Las Vegas. the night after your initial video of the ignition of camp fire Nov 13th I think.. It was QUIET. Made no sound, was sitting in my back yard on my recline chair having a smoke and watching stars.. it popped in my view, it is dark and has transparent look to it. I did see very faint red lights on the bottom, but not typical lights that project out, but rather like energy. A deep dark red. No jet trail, no sound. Flew rite over my home, which planes from McCarran airport fly over me to fly to California, I've made the flight myslef. It is a Triangle or pyramid shape, though I could only see the bottom from directly below. I was dumbfounded as anyone would be. I no longer will disregard someone seeing flying triangles, seen it with my own eyes creeping above our heads. And coincidental that it is over the Sierras at the same time the fires are going ........ Also today was the wkrst spraying I've seen in some time. It looks like they're playing tic tac toe, and by 10 am, the blue sky was complety covered up... It's disgusting to look up at and wake up to.

Shieena Living Waters 3 days ago (edited) Same is being done to Texas. The flooding to clear the way for the Texas Triangle. I had an Oath Keeper friend who coordinated rescues; he and his buddies and the Sheriff (on his side) had a serious run in with Department of HS. The rains had stopped and the water was receding. They deliberately blew 3 dams in the middle of the night and DID NOT WARN THE PEOPLE OF THE SMALL TOWNS! 100'S drowned. He disobeyed DHS and he and his buddies went in and made as many rescues as possible. He was wholly shook up, said he rescued children who's mom lay face down, drowned. He removed drowned infants from cribs. The DOD planned in and had no intention of rescuing anyone. People we're upset then, and hanging onto his every report. But time moves on and the people forget - 100's are still homeless in Texas.

Shieena Living Waters 3 days ago FYI: They planned on letting Oroville dam fail but the astute and quick action of Butte County sheriff interfered. I am very concerned they will hit us with rain next and mud floods out the upper valley - I don't see them shelving that plan! Remember I told you!

Mexico IS the wall: San Ysidro port of entry closed, IPB at a macro level, OODA Loop, Back Door Fraud

Posted: 20 Nov 2018 11:52 AM PST

no court can successfully demand the President of the United States to stop border enforcement.

Islamabad/WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his administration's decision to stop hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Pakistan, saying the country does not do "a damn thing" for the US and its government had helped Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden hide near its city.

current process followed by Military planners: constant re-evaluation of threat/adversary, & adjustments to plan.  "What we are watching is IPB at a macro level, including information operations, information warfare, psychological operations, and many other TTPs. Trump's use of Twitter is an excellent, 21st century example of IPB. The public conscience is the battlefield. POTUS public comments give the public advance notice of what might be coming, for example the McRaven topic. By telling the MSM he is aligned with Hussein and HRC, it causes the MSM to react, wrongly. Then alternative media outlets, researchers, anons, autists, and John Q. Public all begin to watch the ball and will be exposed to information contrary to their trusted MSM sources. McRaven once said Hussein was "the smartest guy in the room". The re-evaluation process is known as the OODA Loop - observe, orient, decide, act." Blacksmith21

Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation," representative-elect Dan Crenshaw calmly exposed the bankruptcy of the #FakeNewsMedia

US shuts down busiest border crossing between Mexico, California 
MAGA! Worldwide campaign: Make Mexico Great Again (MMGA); Make Europe Great Again (MEGA); Make the World Great Again (MWGA)!! Also, Mexico is paying for not building a wall on their southern border. Now, they are in deep trouble. Soon, it will be our problem too. Escalating. Invasion possible. Blue states under siege as well. New Mexico? Why so blue? Why so quiet? This is the awakening. Stand up America! Pray, Godspeed

let this sink in: "officials have pointed out most of the migrants are NOT women & children but are actually young men who USE WOMEN & CHILDREN for sympathetic media coverage!!"

"Don't get it twisted—this is an invasion, ... Once you cross the borders, once you went through those borders with violence it became an invasion." Guadalupe Arangure
"Cause communist gender confused faggots wearing lace panties need protection. Can't have a bunch of alpha patriots putting rats down." chimpanzilla

Through the Back Door"And this is why I am in the belief that Nov 2018 was a giant trap and a giant disclosure." "They were also extra desperate this election and got sloppy"
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