Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:09 PM PST

POST TRUTH WORLD - BATTLEFIELD PARIS: Dictator Macron financially strangling the peasants while funding EU invasion agenda, Traitor 44, Jamal K. & MB/ISIS, &, ... KOREA!!

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 08:20 AM PST

May Gods Blessings Shine Upon Korea.


Cabal lackey french president is obviously pushing a double agenda of invasion and financially struggling people to fund it. 3 people out of 4 here are against this, which is huge given the incredibly corrupt MSM and Big Tech censorship.

Today, news came that a "migrant" rapist has been declared innocent because "[he was culturally not aware rape was bad]".

Today is also the second huge Yellow Jackets manifestation. Sparked because of oil price rise, but aware to ask Macron to resign and/or go to jail .

Went there today. People I saw were cool, calm, talking with police people. Most seemed sympathetical as far as I could see, and I guess it is widespread. It seemed very orderly and friendly for a fight against a traitor policitian who actually tries to exterminate us (he is ex banker from Rotschild).

A lot of thing are written by lying medias. People are not 8 000 like they say (it was even dumb to try that number when last week they told about 300k). They were at least that 8k number on the Champs-Elysées, and they were a lot more around.

The police forces have thrown a lot of lacrymal gaz, while people where chanting our national hymn. Yes the globalist assholes were gazing peaceful 60 years old asking politely for justice and no oil raising as they were chanting.

As Q said, these people are sick.

Maybe the police forces were too tempted to join, some had to disobey some orders (there were videos around of people acclaiming "the police with us" as they did). Maybe Macron wants to dissuade. But the more he gets violent, the more people rebel and the army/police will join. The guy is likely a narcissist psychopath, and he still thinks he is doing well when it comes to illusion. Damn, 75% peole want him out !

The stakes are high though. Globalist cockroaches will probably try to go further than mere gaz dissuasion. Pushing dirt on movement, harming a lot of people, most likely.

Actually the worst thing as far as I learned from Q & anons, is that if Macron was to resign today, it would preserve a lot of what the globalists/islamists have built and infiltrated.

But they don't know people as much as they trick themselves into thinking they do. They were allowed to do some stealing and lying stuff, though most people are already more awakened than they thought. And currently, we the french people, are too much strangled, too much threatened by invasion, and too fed up with this dumbass prick to let go. The second France revolution is on the way, and it is way less fragile than they think. We the people, are taking back our country too.

God bless you all brothers and sisters around the world.

Traitor 44 was quietly installing Muslim Brotherhood members all throughout our government. Jamal Khashoggi wasn't just a reporter (he didn't even have a green card.) he was a inside enforcer for the MB.

The people that are angry by his death are MB members and their supporters.

The biggest threat to America at this very moment is radical Islam and the media that supports them.

This entire scheme looks like the Rothschilds planned on being the single controller of the world, using the world's Superpower's military as their control mechanism.

But they were quietly being betrayed by the Muslim Brotherhood that were putting their "sleeper cells" into place for the up the ultimate betrayal and the introduction of the caliphate.

Even if you're not a religious person, you have to know that God saved us with the election of President Trump.

@ 5:25

THE LEGION OF Q, Cognitive Dissonants & The Fortress Of Lies:

"Cognitive dissonance occurs when someone has to deal with two facts which cancel one another out. IE, Orange Man bad vs. Trump is presiding over a booming economy which he has helped to create. Both can't be true, therefore, a very unpleasant state is generated, and can only be resolved when the person chooses one or the other. To keep saying Orange Man is bad is wishful thinking and not true, as he is genuinely trying his best to help our country. He can't be bad, then. He has to be at least somewhat good. The truth seeps into the mind, but the fortress of lies fights it off. Ergo: Cognitive dissonance. Screaming NPC slogans seems to quiet their own inner dissonance, for a time. I think we are going to have some very disturbed people on our hands some time in the future, and we should be making programs right now to help them back to reality. This would be in the form of deprogramming, as is done for cult members who have escaped. These people are truly brainwashed. It is very sad."

"Once the first real big arrests drop every normie who has ever met your charming ass will Know exactly where to start looking for some answers."

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