Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Q: INCOMING #REDWAVE ,Kavanaugh accuser ADMITS she MADE IT ALL UP, Washington #PedoTraffickers #FactsMatter #IllegalsVoteBlue

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 03:45 PM PDT

Cross reference 'blue' areas w/ illegal immigrant high pop zones.
You might be shocked what you discover.
The real TRUTH about why D's depend on illegal immigrants and why they care more about them than you.

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI No.378 📁
Nov 2 2018 12:54:16 (EST)  2386

Ask yourself a very simple question.
Why is the FAKE NEWS media continually expending resources to defame, debunk, and cast as a conspiracy, for, as they say, a nobody who started on 4chan?
Why did the FAKE NEWS media attempt to cast blame of recent events on the 'Q' movement?
Was it an attempt to silence?
[Sample Past 7-Days]
Are we subject to the Hatch Act?
Think Executive Branch / NSA / etc.
Acceptable 'turn on' comms?
[Filter applied - legal analysis]
Cannot point to any particular candidate or party prior to Nov 7?
We, the PEOPLE.
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Attempts to label all those who challenge their narrative as 'racists' 'white supremacists' will fail [predictable].

& you know it's much higher than the NCP Media is telling

Early Voting Number


40% Of Washington Is Involved In Covering Up Human Trafficking - Says Ex NYPD Officer

all of the stories were made up: Under questioning by Committee investigators, Ms. Munro-Leighton admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original "Jane Doe" letter.

CATHOLIC CHURCH SWAMP "Deflect, Deny & Destroy" - the Neocatecumenate Way, Bishop Martin Holley got Kavanaughed, Mandarin in Central Park

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 01:44 PM PDT

A rare Mandarin duck mysteriously appeared in New York and ...
Manhattan Bird Alert ‏


''LLG under Neo influence is looking more and more like the corrupt Clinton machine of vote rigging, backroom deal, intimidation."

"While listening to the machinations of the synod, a thought came to mind. This sounds very communist to me. I'm not sure where it's coming from, but to me it has hints of "Animal Farm" in it. All bishops are equal, but some are more equal than others." tzard @ Fr.Z   "I am not a part of the lavender [mafia], I would never belong to that evil, There is evil at work here, This is a spiritual battle."  Bishop Martin Holley

The Feast of All Souls, Our Lady’s message given to Mirjana this morning at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje on this day of prayer for non-believers.

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 07:58 AM PDT

In paradisum deducant te angeli,
in tuo adventu
suscipiant te martyres,
et perducant te
in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
angelorum te suscipiat,
et cum Lazaro quondam paupere
aeternam habeas requiem.

November 2, 2018 A.D. Our Lady's message given to Mirjana this morning at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje on this day of prayer for non-believers. 
"Dear children, My motherly heart suffers as I am looking at my children who do not love the truth, those who are hiding it – as I look at my children who do not pray with their feelings and actions. I am sad as I am saying to my Son that many of my children no longer have faith, that they do not know Him – my Son. That is why I call you, apostles of my love: you strive to look to the very depth in human hearts and there you are certain to find the little hidden treasure. To look in this way is mercy from the Heavenly Father. To seek the good even where there is the greatest evil – to strive to comprehend each other and not to judge – that is what my Son is asking of you. And I, as a mother, am calling you to listen to Him. My children, the spirit is mightier than the flesh, and, carried by love and actions, it overcomes all obstacles. Do not forget: my Son has loved you and loves you. His love is with you and in you when you are one with Him. He is the light of the world and no one and nothing will be able to stop Him in the final glory. Therefore, apostles of my love, do not be afraid to witness the truth. Witness it with enthusiasm, with works, with love, with your sacrifice, and, above all, in humility. Witness the truth to all those who have not come to know my Son. I will be alongside you. I will encourage you. Witness the love which never ends because it comes from the Heavenly Father who is eternal and who offers eternity to all of my children. The spirit of my Son will be alongside you. Anew I am calling you, my children: pray for your shepherds, pray that the love of my Son may lead them. Thank you."

Praying for Those Who Have Died Is a Work of Mercy

Things are ramping UP!: "Gitmo" dogwhistle, Adrenochrome Runs Out, Croatia Won't Sign U.N. Migration Agreement – Brazil Moves Embassy to Jerusalem,

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 07:37 AM PDT

Influence in Action: Croatia Will Not Sign U.N. Migration Agreement – Brazil Will Move Embassy to Jerusalem…

Adrenochrome Runs Out

 CIA 'Mockingbird' actors in MSM very clearly breaking the Hatch Act

the "Gitmo" dogwhistle: I take it to mean that Gitmo is about to be filled to max-capacity.

"The Democrats really fucked up here. It's vital for their Welfare Industrial Complex lobbying $$$ kickback machinery to have a Democrat on the Southern border but then at this stage of the game, they simply cant help themselves but be corrupt. They have no other mode or model of behavior"

Libertarian backs Republican in Montana Senate race surprise

Meanwhile: IN SPAIN #MSGA

"The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags - Stay alert. be vigilant. & above all, please pray." Q 2385 ,Hillary's America: an evil snake hissing

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:47 AM PDT

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