Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

while the enemy destroys themselves on live TV: New asylum rule released by Whitker, TWEET THIS FAR AND WIDE! MAKE SURE FLORIDA OFFICIALS SEE!

Posted: 08 Nov 2018 05:47 PM PST

" "Acting Terminator General" Matthew Whitaker and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today announced an Interim Final Rule declaring that those aliens who contravene a presidential suspension or limitation on entry into the United States through the southern border with Mexico issued under section 212(f) or 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) will be rendered ineligible for asylum."

Acosta, the reporter in question, responded with, "This is a lie." However, video evidence shows Acosta chopping the woman's arm.
Everyone was calling forth the Red Tsunami on Election Day November 6 2018. However, the tsunami is building and will happen when all these corrupt political leaders are indicted for Treason, Corruption Human trafficking and Sedition. When a Senator or a Congressman is indicted and removed from office a special Election is held.
The power of Trump is ahead of us. When the indictments go down the majority of the house will be removed.
Session stepped down just for this purpose.
No DEALS!Patience while the enemy destroys themselves on live TV.It is happening! 

FF! - 50 or 60 people from (one family) that were in the Country Bar Shooting last night, were ALSO at the LAS VEGAS MASSACRE LAST YEAR! 

Video from inside the Borderline bar. Looks empty and strangely quiet?


Arizona Republicans sue to enforce consistent rules for signature verification on mail-in ballots

Rick Scott's campaign and the NRSC are suing Brenda Snipes and Broward County

Ruth Bader Ginsburg [Q Posts]


Posted: 08 Nov 2018 12:50 PM PST

#REDPILL4GREENIES: 5G SET TO KILL, Apex Predators, Acute Flaccid Myelitis, PURPLE SKIES, FF narrative changeup, & State of American Debt Slaves Q3 2018

Posted: 08 Nov 2018 12:12 PM PST

the most threatening form of green energy in North America
Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are incapable of ever meeting the world's energy needs. Their cost, which must be heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, their intermittency (power generation is interrupted when the wind doesn't blow or the sun goes behind a cloud), and their limited capacity rule them out as major energy sources. The public needs to wake up to this reality because energy impacts every facet of our lives and the war against fossil fuels is already taking a high toll. 
Yet, in many states, energy costs are rising because public utilities are being forced by governments to replace some existing economical power with solar and wind farms. As usual, low-income families and small businesses are the biggest losers.

Turbines Kill So Many Birds They're Effectively an Apex Predator
Unusual Purple Glow In Sky Being Reported In Sky Over U.S.

5G: Crony Deal Between Telecom Giants And Feds To Radiate Your Home

Acute Flaccid Myelitis

"While health officials say they "don't know" what's causing the outbreak of polio-like symptoms in children, there are a few potential causes that are going unreported: Vaccines, migration and exposure to toxins are all potential vectors of disease — but saying so isn't "politically correct." Scientists have long-since known that the oral polio vaccine can (and does) cause polio-like symptoms."

filed under OR COURSE HE WAS: The lone suspect was found dead

trump-republicans win-largest-first-term-senate-victory-since-1934/

The State of the American Debt Slaves, Q3 2018

kicking the hornets nest: Article 1, Section 9 of US Constitution "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, antifa (((agenda setters))) THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK

Posted: 08 Nov 2018 05:55 PM PST

#2444 "DECLAS overrides all potential House bockades. 
POTUS has ultimate authority." Q

Update 11/08/2018 - The Calm Before the Storm

< We have it all < We have the servers Q: But the dead & illegal voters went nearly 100% for Clinton.

"No borders! No walls! No USA at all!": this is "just the beginning." DC Antifa "Hours after an Antifa mob showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, an affiliated Twitter account published his home address and the home address of his brother Buckley Carlson — along with the addresses of Ann Coulter, Daily Caller's Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity."

IS THIS A THREAT @Ryan Graney Redhead, Irish girl, glitter enthusiast, aggressive feminist"I know its a threat to get people to harass this girl. But I can be a bitch, too, so I retweeted this to the Secret service, & also retweeted it on my own status with the message that if anything happened to her, they would know where to start investigating. I'm tired of innocent people being in the sites of the radical left." Qackerjak


Guys, heads up! They are trying to steal Arizona and Florida Senate seats. Election night Florida Scott with 100% reporting was up 34K... NYT says they have 113,000 ballots to count (of course from the bluest of areas) and the lead is down to 22K... Still counting.
Arizona: Lead currently 17K for McSally, but have 450K ballots left to count - of course from Blue areas - mailed in early ballots - in the hands of DEM Recorder endorsed by Planned Parenthood. 
Suspicious. Plus - how many illegals were allowed to cast ballots? 
And how many Republican ballots were thrown out before even being opened since Rep vs. Dem was easily ID'd on outside of ballot prior to opening...

Can't let this THEFT happen. Hope DOJ is on top of these FRAUD recounts! It's so obvious. Stay vigilent. 

Boom>>>>so she can rig elections: State Election Encrytion Certification - Clinton Connection
Romney: the ultimate never trumper

& (((They))) are back to saying POTUS is crazy again. So predictable.

Where the Caravan Is Now & the Admission in the Press that THERE ARE ORGANIZERS . This isn't a random group of asylum seekers that magically sprang up. "Community Organizer is code for Communist Agent." Gorillion

"So witnesses were saying it was a middle eastern man, now we find a dead ex marine, who used a smoke bomb and was hooded to conceal his identity. Yeah, not sure I am buying this, between MKUltra and just killing this dude while the real shooter escapes...not buying any of this."

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