Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 1862), CPS Stealing Children

Posted: 09 Jan 2019 01:22 PM PST

NATIONAL EMERGENCY - IT'S ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING!!: 'He was, in short, presidential' = WAPO smells #DemDesperation, Dems Fully Funded Jordan Border Wall, YELLOWJACKETS & Sweden's SWJ Snitches,

Posted: 09 Jan 2019 11:50 AM PST

SJW Snitches - Sweden pays citizens to scour Facebook to report people critical of its migrant calamity.

Democrats Funded a 287 Mile Wall in Jordan – LAST YEAR! But Won't Fund Border Wall in US!

"D.C. establishment uses taxpayers' money to provide border security for Arabs, but not for Americans." 
"They are all hypocrites. They pretend to come from poor disadvantaged backgrounds while having lived a privileged past. They rail against walls, while living behind barricaded fortresses. They want to confiscate all guns except the ones they need personally or for their cadre of bodyguards protecting them 24/7." iontheball

IT'S ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING: "I have the absolute right if I want. My threshold will be if I can't make a deal with people that are unreasonable"

"The speech was so heartfelt and profound they unleashed Maggie Haberman on him today."

Rosenstein's removal: "Deep state has read the Q drops. Q states that RR departs willingly due to FISA DECLAS. Globalists and puppets just simultaneously sht themselves. Cantchya smellsit?"

POTUS Spanks Californina! Liberal Heads Exploding In 3..2..1... "I have a friend that is active in the DNC in the Los Angeles chapter and they are freaking out over it." TSE

Yellow Vests CONFRONT Anna Soubry In The Streets

Woman was arrested & separated from her baby for simply wearing a yellow vest by Nazi police in Netherlands. Globalist puppets & fascist police states are cracking down on dissidents. France is banning protests. UK is erasing social media accounts of all arrested protesters. Civil Wars are coming!

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