Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#VenezuelaGritaLibertad everyone but Mexicans & Cubans, Robert Barnes' Sacred Troll Dance & KING KONG BALLS

Posted: 23 Jan 2019 09:10 PM PST

Things should get interesting in the next 72 hours.

The Cuban backed Communist government of Venezuela was overthrown by the people today. Venezuela is one of the world's larger suppliers of oil. It is of strategic importance. Trump has already recognized the new government as of this afternoon. American forces are likely standing by just offshore to assist if necessary.

"I don't know - there is some fighting, elsewhere the military has stood down, or switched sides. Last night there was some kind of military uprising, and some protests, and an announcement that it was all put down by loyal forces. Then the internet was turned off. Today there are mass protests, clearly the government is not in control of most of the country, and announcements of formal recognition of the new government by most other governments in the America's after the opposition leader declared himself the new 'El Presidente.' Civilian deaths have been confirmed when the military did open fire on some protestors.

The US military maintains a fairly robust presence in that region of the world, so I would not at all be surprised to see the marines roll in there tomorrow at the request of the new government to stamp paid on Maduro's ticket." link

"Chavez took over and began the looting - but now the country has been picked clean. The people are starving and impoverished. Obama didn't give a fuck. Trump apparently does." link

"That's why I believe this is a coordinated deal - suddenly half of the America's recognize all on the same day. Seems everyone but the Mexicans and Cubans want Maduro out." link

& in Florida: "On the upside, when the big gun grab comes, the revolution begins." Witsend

#MVGA Coup! Massive rally Caracas, Internet Blackout Across Venezuela, Guilty of smiling while white & Christian.

Posted: 23 Jan 2019 04:25 PM PST

Guilty of smiling while white & Christian.

CNN Attempts Damage Control 

Brother of Teenager Wrongly Identified as Student Wearing MAGA Hat Slams Social Media Mob

Jumpin' Ju-Ju Beans, A Coup! – Venezuela Opposition Leader Juan Guaido Declares Himself President  "Within hours of the support for Juan Guaido being announced by President Trump & Secretary Pompeo,…. Canada, Brazil, Paraguay, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Chile & Guatemala followed suit & also voiced their support."

Massive rally Caracas, Venezuela

Internet Blackout Across Venezuela Members of the National Guard reject #Madura and let the good people of #Venezuela move forward with their demonstration #Venezuela

CAGE MATCH GEOTUS vs. NanCabal, #FakeNewsReprobates, Shepherds Throw Covington Boys to Wolves, Protests in Caracas ongoing - a las calles de Venezuela, The Highlanders Mother! & Joy Behar

Posted: 23 Jan 2019 02:15 PM PST

Shit is going down in Venezuela right now.

"Lawmakers in Russia, which has close relations with Venezuela, are sharply critical of U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of an opposition politician who has declared himself the country's legitimate interim president."

Protests in Caracas ongoing Millions hit the streets in Venezuela after calls by the opposition. The videos are from the capital.

Shepherds Throw Covington Boys to the Wolves

& THEN .... Trudeau gets told to hang for treason

why didn't they walk away? They were waiting there for their bus you idiot.

Joy Behar 

& where did those MAGA hats come from: a fully orchestrated spectacle carefully curated for a long time.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to step down as CBC Foundation chair amid lawsuit

& THIS: close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred

ATTN. #CatholicNation #PrayerWarriors PRAYER VIGIL CALLED w/Truth Buckled Around Our Waist & integrity for A Breastplate

Posted: 23 Jan 2019 10:13 AM PST

Dear Brothers & Sisters, #CatholicNation & All Good Souls, A Blessed & Holy New Year to all of you also.
Sr. Bernadette, how greatly appreciated are you prayers! 
This wretched attack upon our children must be crushed w/PRAYER immediately. See it for what it is ... an all-out attack on the Unborn & those who defend them. Once Abortion is defeated in America, this nation will again be UNDER THE HAND OF GOD.

Yours in Jesus & Mary, the little brother 
10 Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. 11 Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. 13 Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: 16 In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. 17 And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Savior, Scatter the forces of evil so they are not engrossed in darkness but can come to Light! amen, amen. † LOCUTIONS to the WORLD October 9, 2013 An Extraordinary Promise ~ Mary 
Prayer for Deliverance & Protection 

Atty. Robert Barnes on FOX and Friends: We're Giving Major Media, Celebrities 48 Hours to Retract and Apologize to Covington Kids or Face Lawsuit (VIDEO)

"As far as standing there, I had every right to do so," the 16-year-old replied.

Trump Tells Annual March for Life He Will Veto Pro-Abortion Legislation

More On Chief Leaking Secrets

the Solutrean Hypothesis, various Viking settlements up & down New England "If you were born in N or S America you are Native American. For the record the American Indian Tribes/Peoples came to what we call the US from Europe, Asia and South America. They did not grow out of the ground."
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