Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Those who know cannot sleep: FL/MKU/NASA/HAARP vectors are all real. Project Mockingbird meets Government Shutdown meets The Covington Boys..!!

Posted: 24 Jan 2019 08:08 PM PST

the Kavanaugh hearings, that anti white male Gillette ad, & those Covington kids.

The Left is running a soft coup against the President of the United States.
Majestic 12 @TS_SCI_MAJIC12

Top heads of the Fascist NWO are getting their heads chopped off currently (purely metaphorical for now). This is required to happen in this order, thereby dismantling the network internally without mass panic as bureaucrats drop off the political spectrum left and right. Cleanup Track all resignations. Including this one. This is an important resignation. Think of the implications of what he did... knowing what you know:
1/ HARRP has been experimenting with weather modification for decades resulting in exponential growth in the quantity and strength of tropical storms throughout the Bible Belt.

2/ Florida has been a hot bed for MKUltra, child sex trafficking, secret space program, and rigging elections for decades. Florida has many bad apples running the state who are one by one being eliminated. Seems somebody learned how to play chess.

4/ Look at Disney and its involvement with things relating to children. Headquartered in Florida Brice Taylor: Memoirs of a Mind control Slave - Ch.3, pg. 58 Disneyland }
5/ NASA has 5500 employees with child pornography on their computers. 75% of the employees were based out of either Florida or Texas (two major hotbeds for human trafficking).

"So radio waves control our emotions and weather? No doubt we are being manipulated. To what extent and the broadness of techniques used seems far and wide. I would say the effects of radio, wifi, and cellular range from benign to questionable." J Rod

"The FL/MKU/NASA/HAARP vectors are all real." Blacksmith21

🔥 5G Wireless Radiation GEN💀CIDE 🔥

Grab Your Gun & Bring The Cat In: Chaos Erupts In Venezuela (Last 5 Hours), #SalviniNonMollare , Vegan Farm Terrorists, #BlackRacists

Posted: 24 Jan 2019 05:08 PM PST

�� NY Abortion Law & Left Takes a Hard Right �� ClassD Felonies & Rep.muzzie Omar on ‘get sued’ list, Catholic Swamp vs. Covington Kids, THE SHUTDOWN SABOTEUR WEEDOUT!!! ��

Posted: 24 Jan 2019 11:55 AM PST

round one hasn't even ended yet: I wouldn't want to be on the other side of the blows about to be landed.

Covington Catholic lawyer adds Rep. Ilhan Omar to 'libel,' 'get sued' list

Prosecutor: Investigations on threats against Covington High School children are ALREADY UNDERWAY

"One person reports it to begin with and they all jump on it. We saw it again with the Covington students. I've never seen people so happy to destroy a kid's life." Press Sec.Sarah Sanders 

Truth Be DAMNED: Catholic leaders dump all over their own youth to appease the LUNATIC LEFT

A prominent American rabbi has come out in support of the MAGA boys, a group of Catholic high school students falsely accused of "taunting" and "mocking" a Native American after the March for Life, saying that the media attacks were motivated by the "anti-Christianism" of the left.

.... no power to get rid of them until ... THE SHUTDOWN!!! ðŸ’¥

meanwhile: While Trump Focuses on MAGA, Macron & Merkel Face Crumbling Banks in the EU & Decide to Build a War Machine

💥💥💥💥💥 B💥💥M! 
very disturbing. this is legitimately where the "left/right" paradigm becomes right vs wrong.
"I'm starting to figure out that the liberal left is one disgusting LIE,, they're pathological out-of-control LIERS who manipulate every single event, lie about it, use women & children to hurt women & children, use Blacks & Hispanics to hurt Blacks & Hispanics ..... "

& IN OHIO: Ohio's new governor says he'll sign 'heartbeat' abortion bill that Kasich vetoed

'fetus' reaches out and grabs the finger of Doctor during spine surgery for baby to survive @ 21 weeks gestation ... baby survived.
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