Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

WHO IS DOING THIS?!: Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 06:45 PM PST

VENEZUELA, grey hat under white hat control, blocked military plane traffic, Air Pelosi Exposed, Zucky bamboozling children, ITALY,

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 05:18 PM PST

"We live in a country where we don't know who's good & who's bad."

"Enough already!' Venezuela's highest ranking military diplomat breaks with Maduro "As the Venezuelan defense attaché in the United States, I do not recognize Mr. Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela, My message to all armed forces members, to everyone who carries a gun, is to please let's not attack the people. We are also part of the people, and we've had enough of supporting a government that has betrayed the most basic principles and sold itself to other countries,"

Blocked military plane traffic started in the north and moving south - AZ, NV, and Co have now blocked military plane traffic. "They are finally gonna stop the chemtrails?!?!?!?!?"

Mueller's Hat: Trumps tweet suggests Stone arrest is to soften public for other arrests

Documents Detail Nancy Pelosi's Love of Flying at Our Expense

Class action lawsuit reveals Facebook orchestrated plan to dupe game-playing kids & parents out of money


Posted: 26 Jan 2019 09:56 AM PST

New faggots. Roger Stone today: The Nation has endured 2 years of hell, all because some drunken old hag didn't get her turn, The Wall will be built & the criminals will be dealt w/ accordingly.

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 09:25 AM PST

What a coincidence. The CNN reporter whose "instinct" led him to camp outside Roger Stone's house before the FBI raid used to work for the FBI and was Comey's special assistant

& this little jewel: "We apologise unreservedly to The First Lady and her family for any embarrassment caused by our publication of these allegations. As a mark of our regret, we have agreed to pay Mrs. Trump substantial damages as well as her legal costs."
New Texts Reveal FBI Leaked Information to the Press to Damage Trump 
New faggots. Roger Stone today. "Barack Hussein Obama, as a matter of protocol against all his opponents during his entire presidency, or as revenge for the 'birther' issue, AND as a hopeful safeguard to his miserable legacy of failure - initiated, approved, and then executed a sophisticated spying and smearing campaign against first opposition candidate Trump, the President elect Trump, and now finally President Trump. He used the broad powers of BOTH the US and FOREIGN intelligence agencies, the US judicial and FISC court, as well as foreign SPIES, to try and infiltrate, and plant evidence on Trump or ANY of his associates that could LEAD to Trump."

James Woods... The Nation has endured two years of hell, all because some drunken old hag didn't get her turn

The Wall Was NOT The Target (Yet) - 1patriot99

"One thing I learned back in my entertainment days working with magicians is this:

If you focus your attention on the hand with shiny object out in front, you will never see what the other hand is doing in the background.

What's the political "shiny object" that has been virtually the SOLE focus of attention since before Christmas? The Wall and the shutdown because of it. And in the process…

The opposition for the Wall has been amplified by the political criminals at the highest possible level for WEEKS, inundating every media outlet and news cycle 24/7.

But little if anything has been mentioned about this EO for which the final analysis is due on or before Feb 4:


While you may really want to look that that EO closely again yourself, I want to draw your attention to this section:

Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order;

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
When was this EO signed? Sep 12, 2018 – almost 2 months before the mid-terms.

When does the biggest "push" for votes, campaign contributions, etc. happen? In the last months before the election.
Do illegal aliens just head to the polls to vote out of love of God and country? Not hardly. They are identified, herded, propagandized, incentivized and otherwise assisted to do so. I believe the term is called "community organizing".

If I am consuming the details in this EO correctly, it's certainly not just the illegal immigrants who vote in our elections who are subject to the wrath this EO provides. It is also the campaigns, donors to those campaigns and ANY other associated person or entity who "aided and abetted" in this illegal activity in ANY capacity using ANY resources to do so.

Who is ultimately responsible for a political campaign and all the activities associated with that campaign? Why, it's the person trying to get elected, or in this case the person(s) who got elected using illicit illegal alien voter fraud activities for their campaign.

Also the EO in question already represents a declared national emergency under the National Emergencies Act, 1978-2018:



The Wall is a multifaceted tool, not just to curb drugs and human trafficking – it also prevents illegal aliens from entering the country, establishing a residence and illegally voting.

The Wall has also been a massive (and completely necessary) "distraction" in order to strongly set-up activation of the EO in question. 

Given the overwhelming amount of opposition coverage to the Wall, what would happen if it were revealed that there was massive voter fraud (and conspiracy of all those involved) as it relates to this EO because there is no sufficient Wall (yet)?

It would publicly expose the real reason why there is so much opposition to the Wall by the criminal political leaders. Because without the criminals in office – well, that's really the true foundation for no Wall support and all the rest of the illegal activities in question.

So, not only would it be the basis of removal of members of Congress and the Senate, it would result in a massive shift in consciousness among opposition voters.

In short, it would flip the House and boost the Senate. The problem with whether or not the Wall gets built goes away with far greater public support.
But it would be more than that because any major type of criminal activity revealed would automatically trigger investigation into any additional criminal activity, even if it is non-related to the EO in question.

The House is not back until Jan 29 unless I am mistaken. Well, there's a Q post Freedom Day Marker from Jan 29, 2018:


All I know beyond a shadow of a doubt is this:

The Wall will be built and the criminals will be dealt with accordingly."

"This is all stagecraft. Enjoy the show. In the end, the public will see that the Dems don't care about border security or federal workers and Trump will build the wall." 
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